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  1. I suppose that having been "caught out" on my first meter change I half expected something like this to happen and that is why I took pictures of my old meter and submitted readings after the change - as a matter of interest I always submit readings on a monthly basis so there should have been no excuse for this mistake. I use an app on my phone so I have a monthly usage chart going back 3 years and was able to figure out that this is what had probably happened but the sad part about this was that no one at Npower took any notice of my comments or complaints - at one point when the meter reader came he informed me that the worse thing to do was pay by Direct Debit as he informed me that "they have you over a barrel and that he pays monthly" - and he was part of their organisation. If I had not received a reply from their CEO I would have issued a Small Claims Summons as in my experience this normally focuses their attention and I am just in the process of moving suppliers but I don't hold any great expectations that the new one will be any better.
  2. I had previously been with EON for a number of years with no problem but because the terminated the StayWarm programme I transferred to Npower - what a mistake. I had been with them just over a year when they informed me that I had to have my gas meter changed but because I had previous problems with British Gas when my meter was previously changed I asked if it was absolutely necessary and they confirmed that it was and so the meter was changed for a reconditioned one. Shortly after this change my gas consumption went sky high and my bill shot up by almost £2,000 for no reason as it was the middle of summer but even after numerous emails I could not get the situation resolved and so I found out the name of the CEO and wrote a letter to him asking for an explanation. After several weeks of meter readings and checks it appears that Npower had simple taken the old reading from the old meter and the one from the new reconditioned meter and charged me the difference but no real apology only the refund of monies that I had over paid. I find it a very worrying situation for people who are not able to fight these companies who just have to accept what they are told as I initially was. I had learnt a lot from my previous meter change when after the meter was changed and taken away I received 3 large bills and was informed that I had to pay them all even though I tried to demonstrate that I could not have possible used that much gas which they would not accept. Unfortunately, on that occasion I had not made a note of the meter reading and I had to find out who had tested the returned meter and get a copy of their report - from this I was able to show that between my last actual meter reading and the one shown on the test certificate there was a vast difference in the readings that equated to many hundreds of pounds worth of gas that could not have possibly been used by a gas cooker.
  3. Malc, Thanks for your reply and whilst I understand that there may have been some difficulties in combining the two plans I don't think they were unsurmountable and if you had the will to offer a a better plan for the elderly I think that you could have done it. Obviously, now that all the plans are comparable there is no real reason to stay with your company and if you do not have a plan which meets a customers needs they will now move to another provider but I guess that you took that into consideration when you closed the scheme. I know that when I was on Staywarm no other provider could give me a better deal and the peace of mind about unexpectedly high bills that it gave me was extremely important. I would also guess that you realised that a number of your customers would not change to another provider and just accepted the situation and the new tariff. Hopefully, you will agree that whilst it may have been in the best interests of many - it was not in the interests of the elderly who will lose out on this change. Alan
  4. Malc, Thank you for your reply but I don't believe that you have answered my questions fully e.g. combining Staywarm with the Age UK plan and why you automatically moved people on to your standard tariff? You make it sound like you only had a few customers on this plan but the press have reported that you had many thousands on the plan - would you like to confirm just how many that were on it? It is interesting to note that nPower have also closed their Warm Home Scheme which was aimed at those on Income Support and I suppose that this was also in the interests of the majority of customers. Alan
  5. Malc. I am interested in your statement about closing Staywarm that states "we believe, are in the best interests of the majority of our customers" - perhaps you could explain this as as I cannot see how it is in the best interests of the majority of customers - should this not read in the best interests of E.ON and it's shareholders. I cannot possibly see how it is in the best interests of people that were on this plan as my monthly account has increased by nearly £40 which is certainly not in my interests. I was always very happy with Staywarm which as a senior citizen gave me peace of mind at a reasonable price and with very good customer service. I have now decided to move from E.ON as I have now found a plan that gives me some peace of mind (not as good as the Staywarm plan) but a fixed rate for 4 years. Could you not have combined the Staywarm and Age UK Plan rather than just moving people onto a more expensive plan because I see this simply as an opportunity for you to make more money out of the elderly. Why did you not move people on to the Age UK plan rather than your standard tariff? I would be interested in your comments. Alan
  6. Andy, The local paper have already published an article and another one is just about ready to do an in depth review. I have also won a few small claims court actions that I took and as you say it's not that difficult but I'm not sure if that would be the best way to go and so I'm waiting with interest to see what Trading Standards say. Thanks Alan
  7. It was for 4 nights and yes I have photographs - this is what the fire service took action on. I did point out the problems to the Duty Manager and some of the other guests. I have also just emailed Trading Standards to get their view. It's not really about recovering money its more about making the point from the customer's perspective that as with shoddy goods if you experience poor safety in a building you should have some comeback on the owner and I think it's only if you hit them in the pocket are things likely to improve. Thanks for your help. Alan
  8. Thanks for the information - it was in the UK and was with my family which was paid by by credit card. I have written to the General Manager and he has not replied but I could send him another letter indicting what my intentions are and I would hope that he has now put these things right but I would like to establish a simple way for people to take action against these types of establishments that do not meet current standards. I would not have a problem proving my case but at the present time with the recent changes to fire legislation when you book a hotel you have no way of knowing if it meets current fire safety law which I think is unacceptable. Also to establish exactly what action the fire service took I would have to serve a Freedom of Information request to get the details. I thought that the Small Claims Court would be a cheap and quick way of establishing a precedence.
  9. Yes, and the fire service have taken some action. - it's not the responsibility of the HSE. I didn't think that you had to prove a financial loss because a few years ago I took Cunard to the Small Claims Court for changing an itineary and whilst I didn't actually suffer a financial loss I won the case.
  10. Not a monetery loss but what I am trying to establish is if in principle it could be claimed under this legislation.
  11. I recently stayed in a hotel over Christmas and found that the standard of fire safety was well below what it should have been eg locked and blocked fire exits, fire doors wedged open, electrical items un tested, poor housekeeping etc. I did bring these items to the attention of the Duty Manager but very little was done to put it right. Could I reclaim part of what I paid through the Small Claims Court if I could prove these things were not up to standard. I would appreciate any help on this matter. Thanks Alan PS This would be on the basis that the hotel failed to provide the duty of care that was owed to me.
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