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Everything posted by crmclr

  1. We are advised that the Director has taken the decision stop further trading through GCB Ltd in respect of alleged copyright infringement. We believe that he has moved swiftly to minimise the damage to his name in taking this decisive action. We are further advised that he was unaware of the background involved in these claims or the precise nature of the claims. To that end anyone receiving letters from or on behalf of GCB Ltd in respect of copyright infringement should ignore these letters. We have been assured that no further action will be taken.
  2. Dear Kurvaface, A company with some completely different name could satisfy their bankers that they are “Trading as GCB” – they might even prepare letterhead, e.g. “Good Causes Bureau Limited, trading as GCB Ltd” ... from there it is an easy step. Some years ago a man called, I think, Henry M Tower worked for the ticketing or gift shop at the Tower of London and was able to bank £000s in cheques made out to “H M Tower”! (he returned the money to illustrate how poor their controls were, but the DoE were not amused). If these people put their ingenuity into legitimate enterprise, they and everybody else would be a lot better off.
  3. We are keeping our client advised of all posts to this thread so that they can take whaterver action they decide is best.
  4. Mclean Reid can confirm that they are cancelling the registered office facility for GCB Ltd and have contacted the various regulatory authorities and other interested parties. We also confirm that we have no connection whatsoever with ASB Law, its directors or shareholders.
  5. GCB Ltd was a dormant company formed by us at the request of a client, we were the registered office for convenience. Our client thought he was helping out an 'associate' of his by allowing that 'associate' to use this dormant company for a business venture (which we knew nothing about). Neither we, nor our client, knew it was going to be used for this purpose. We only discovered this yesterday (13th January) and accordingly advised our client, who also wants to remove his association from this company.
  6. NOTICE MCLEAN REID HAVE NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER WITH ACS LAW. GCB LTD was formed by us and appears to be being misused by some third party!
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