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Everything posted by luke2208

  1. Thanks for swift reply. He had no head cam or anything like that. Didn't think there was much point bringing anything like that up, just want the issue to be done and dusted so will be as apologetic and polite as possible in my response.
  2. Hi all, New to the site so thanks in advance for any advice you can give me on this matter. Like the original author of this thread I have received the same letter from the London Eastern Railway Prosecution Unit. Whilst I'll admit I was stupid enough not to have the right ticket and very much understood this at the time I would like some advice as to how to respond. The letter gives me an opportunity to write a response. Whilst the revenue protection officer clearly told me I was being stopped under caution as he was taking evidence on my particular matter he also asked me twice to give him an answer "off the record." Is this entirely professional or lawful? He had previously told me he had a recording device on him (again seems unprofessional to tell me this), would this be likely given the volume of people that they stop? I am in two minds whether it is worthwhile including this on any defence that I give or whether it is easier to just admit that I was wrong, beg for leniancy and ask for it to be settled through financial means rather than wasting the courts time. Let me reiterate once again that I was stupid enough not to have the right ticket, but I would really appreciate any advice on the best way to respond to this letter. Thank you.
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