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  1. Thanks. I've been into court office but they won't tell me why 2nd judge struck it out. Can they just reissue and start all process again ? There's nothing noted anywhere on any paperwork of the vin number. So can they issue proceedings again with correct reg if that's not what is on the contract purchase agreement ?
  2. hi there, just a quick update on this post. went to court on this, they wanted car back and money order and i was pushing for unfit for purposr of the vehicle. when in court it was noted that tha registration on the lease purchase agreement was totally different from the actual car. the judge dismissed there application for return of the car. i've just had the judgment order from the court showing that it was dismissed and no costs to me. it also says on the order that they applied again for claim to be reinstated under ex parte !! and then says the proper course where a claim has been dismissed is to appeal. then finishes by saying the ex parte application is struck out. does anyone know where i will stand now... i dont even want the car..... thanks Ian
  3. hi , if an interim charing order is in place then it is discgarged and not granted when they go for the final charging order, can the claimant apply again for a new order etc.. or do they have to wait a certian length of time ? thanks icc
  4. hi jasper1965, sorry it is a copy of termination dated the same day as my letter to requesting volutary termination. not sure where to go from here. they have asked for the balance, the car & costs.... surely they cant have the balance and the car... cheers
  5. hi, i've just recieved the copy of the default notice and they have the termination date as the 1st of march which is also the date my letter to them was dated to VT. i also wrote to them telling them to come and pick the piece of junk up which they never responded to , now they are applying for a court order to collect car !!!!!!! i just wanted to walk away from it but they just do what they want like all the other big institutions..... is there anything i can do as in reject the car as not fit for purpose, i have all the repair receipts from the b,w dealership i got it from originally.. any help appreciated...
  6. hi, the problems started a few months after i got it, kept telling the salesman and he kept saying you need to take on motorway and keep at 2500 revs for 15 mins to clean the engine filter out... by the time i realised that you shouldnt need to do that every few weeks it had just gone past 12 months and they said bmw warranty on a used car is 12 months. they stood the first repair as it was a known fault a £4,000. the car is fully always services, mot'd and generally well looked after... the agreement doesnt have any other ref to the car other than the reg which is totally wrong , no chas no etc. just noticed they have a totally different mileage noted on the agreement as well which is a lot higher than that noted on the mot cert they gave me when i got it..... i phoned them on 21st Feb to ask for the hand back value under the half rule... one week later they cancel contract..sneeky !!!!!
  7. Hi was looking for some help, i have a bmw on hp over 4 years , i am now at the half way stage. the car has been back to the bmw dealers 4 time over the last 2 years and as it was a used car i bought i have had to pay for engine repairs following problems....... approx repairs so far ( 1/3rd of the purchase price ). i got to the point where i emailed bmw and said this car is not fit to be on the road and was not happy with the vehicle i had purchased, they never responded .i cancelled the direct debit. they still didnt respond until i wrote to them and to them i wanted to cancel under the halves rule. they then sent me a letter dated the day before my cancellation letter saying the agreement had been cancelled as i had defaulted on payments. i sent them another copy of my letter and they responded saying they were looking into it and would come back to me. this morning i have received a court summons requesting the car back and the 2 months of missed payments as they have cancelled the agreement. By the way the car is a piece of junk !!!! and major engine failure after 2 years shouldn't be expected... can anyone help please ??? ia have also noticed that the registration number they have put on the court papers and on the original credit agreement is nothing like the registration number of the vehicle ????? anyone got any ideas please !!! thank you.......
  8. thanks for the replies. basically the POC says. xxx was loaned the amount of £xx in Jan 2009 for personal reasons. the has not been repaid having requested it on a number of occasions . the claimant requires payment of £xx including interest at 8% for 566 days totaling xxx. that is pretty much it. i do not dispute owing the money and if i was asked would have gladly included interest on settlement if that was a condition of the loan. just not sure under what circumstances i can defend it ! thanks for your help Ian
  9. Hi , i borrowed some money from a friend about 18months ago, at the time he said pay it back when i had it as i was under financial hardship at the time. since then we have had a fall out... he has now applied for a ccj and interest to which was never part of the deal ! i am currently waiting for my current mortgage tie in to finish so i can remortgage and give the extra back to him. if the ccj goes against me this will just hinder the further borrowing and paying him back. there was no agreements etc and i know morally i am in the wrong for not paying him back yet and borrowing it in the first place but he is now being spiteful and would be obliged if someone can advise where i stand or is there anything i can do ????????? many thanks Ian
  10. thanks PT. this all happened on the same day when they just turned up. they initially wanted 4100 but then after he had spoke to someone at the council on hias mobile he said he would accpet 2000. they took the reg no of my car which is actually a lease car and i dont own and gave me no paperwork other than a reciept. they then posted a copy of the walk in possesion order and seizure forms after i phoned them asking about the charges ! thanks
  11. Hi. Was wondering if someone can help please. I moved into a small office and notified the business rates section of the council. I completed all forms and sent back. Had to chase them as they had responded to the property next door which is vacant and no one gets the post. 6 weeks later 2 bailiffs turned up in a van demanding 4100. I phoned the council who advised that if I called in and completed rates relief form I should only owe half of that and they agreed they had been writing to the wrong address. The bailiffs said they would accept 2000 in payment as per the women from the council spoke to them whilst I was on the phone to them. I gave then 2000 and they asked me to sign to show the council they had made the visit. They only passed on 1530 to the council and have sent me a breakdown of charges as I requested. They are as follows. Levy charge 101.00 Enforcement fee 200.00 Walking possesion fee 12.00 Waiting time 150.00. The council are now sending a valuer arround as under new legislation I should be business rates exempt until next october. First can anyone advise on these charges. Are they the norm ? Secondly the reciept I signed is actually a form of walk in possesion agreement. He had hidden the form under the reciept on his clip board and then asked me to counter sign the reciept which is stuppidly did !!! Can any one please give me some advice. Thanks Ian
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