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  1. I see what you mean but its so frustrating when you cover this at point of sale and their mistake lumps me with unwanted item. They should be very clear about ex display at time of purchase which was never said to be an issue. I feel like I need a solicitor to buy anything from them again, feel like I've been had but unfortunately its my son who suffers. Thanks for reply though.
  2. If I have no right to return why does it say I can on the receipt? And why when I asked did someone not tell me there may be an issue if it was an unwanted gift?
  3. We bought a pair of headphones after Christmas for my sons birthday, on boxing day to be exact hoping they were in the sale- they weren't but bought them as he'd mentioned how good they were. Before we went into store we looked on Comet website, they were £229 but in store were £279. They price matched the web price but there was only one pair left which were the display pair. As they were kept behind a glass cabinet and not handled we agreed to take them. As it was a surprise I checked with the assistant that if there was any problem with them was we ok bringing them back, she said yes that's fine. My son did not want the headphones, saying he would rather get a cheaper pair and buy clothes etc. My receipt says that as long as goods are returned unopened we can get a full refund/exchange. The headphones were obviously opened by the store to place on display and that is why I checked with the assistant at the time of buying but they also say that due to health and safety they are unable to accept the return of headphones-these are large over the ear headphones but understand that this is their policy which would be fine if this was explained at the time of purchase! I thought I had covered everything at the time of purchase and, as I dont work in the industry, have no clue of health and safety policies. Having spoke to customer service assistant, manager then eventually the store manager who said 'the lady who served you has worked here for years and I don't think she would say that'. This left me frustrated, angered and powerless as the manager was obviously implying that I was lying. I asked her if she could speak to the member of staff involved but she didn't seem willing to do much, other than end our conversation. Realising I was getting nowhere I asked what my options were if I wanted to take this further, she referred me to the custmer service line who deal with complaints. The manager said I wasn't able to use the store phone so used my mobile to call them, I eventually got through to a very helpful lady who listened to me then rang the store manager. Customer services (helpline) were very sympathetic to my complaint and in her words said 'she fully understands my concern', she decided to escalate my problem to the investigations team. I was told I would hear this afternoon but haven't heard anything, when I rang to chase they told me the complaint was still open and that I should receive a call tomorrow. I was just wondering if anyone had any similar experience or knowledge that would help me in this situation as I've never come across anything like this before. Would appreciate any advice anyone could offer me.
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