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  1. fee0000, you are so kind, i cannot thank you enough..for thinking of me and keeping me positive.You are wonderful.I am going to try to contact me welfare worker as i cannot seem to get through to her either right now!! she said she was going to phone me and update me last week and didn't so i am losing all faith!! its a horrid situation and i wish a solicitor or someone who can do something could see this story..I will try the BBC and keep in contact with you..Bless you, thank you again and you keep positive too.xxxx
  2. Things are going from bad to worse here!!! I received a letter from 'SHELTER' today, just summarising my meeting with them a week ago..they were very unhelpful and because i have someone already working on my behalf they cannot help unless i 'drop' the other organisation! They have got the details i gave, completely wrong and also pointed out that i have to realise i and made aware that i could be asked to attend an interview under caution which could arise separately..What are these people trying to do.IM very ill, vulnerable and losing all will to live, if i am honest..I had no idea i was being suspected of fraud!! I wasn't informed by DWP i was either.I am simply awaiting a Tribunal date..After today's letter, i really do feel i would be better off away from this world... I cannot get in contact with my disability case worker, she said she is very busy, my MP has not answered my emails, Equality and Human Rights Commission won't answer me and Disability Law Service won't answer any of my emails...Does anyone here have any good advice? PLEASE!! XXX
  3. Dear Slatted, EXACTLY!!! Why anyone would willingly put themselves through this pure hell because they are lying, well..is anyone's guess!!! I would not wish this hardship, illness, depression, anxiety and desperation on my worst enemy..Surely someone somewhere within the powers that be..can in fact see this and know that there are genuine people who genuinely require help and assistance . Albeit from this warped government!!! Of course they must have some employees who are sympathetic and empathic, but if they are seen to be showing these normal reactions to one in need..they would probably find themselves in my/fees0000 situation too.IT IS ALL SO VERY WRONG...XX Thank you for caring.xxx
  4. Dear fee0000.I am so glad and happy to hear you have received your Appeal form..Get it filled in and off to them asap...I feel you have good solid grounds and reason to complain at the way you have been treated, so please, i know i keep saying this, do not give in or up...I really hope you have gained some strength now to keep going, i really want to help, as people on here do! Good luck with moving, i am sure everything will fall into place for you and luck is just around the corner.. My luck hasn't changed, my MP Requested my Tribunal letter and copy of completed form from them, i have sent that, copy and scanned and also hard copy to him but not heard anything back.I honestly feel like curling up, going to sleep and not waking up..sorry, this sounds extreme but i am in a state! The council are making me homeless as they still wont pay any HB or indeed CTB because they say they have to wait for the outcome of the Tribunal..this could be months.Although way back when this all started in April..DWP said they would push it through as an URGENT TRIBUNAL DUE TO THREAT OF EVICTION!!! I wish to god i could find a solicitor who deals in these matters, i really do not believe they can make a Severely Disabled woman and a four year old homeless but who up-holds this law?? Does anyone know.My Representative from Disabilty Org has sent a letter to Housing Benefit and still nothing..I am feeling lower than low and desperate...Very!!! Please do keep me updated with yourself fee0000, it takes my mind off my problems...Sending you best wishes and hugs..xxx bongz.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L8EPHDjeqU has anyone seen this yet??? fee, i hope you received my message.xxx
  6. Hi fee0000, my god!! It really is awful, we are both having a similar thing happen and have found ourselves in a situation where we are fighting such a huge organisation as DWP! We can do it though and you are so right in what you say..It's almost like a false sense of security they show us, so we think they are helping us.They are well aware of our vulnerability and anxiety..I have no idea how they are allowed to get away with this and i really feel, there must be thousands like us, some too scared to speak out and fight for their rights...and we are right by the way! I am so glad have met you and others on here, i want to help..i don't know where i get the strength but i have to..I can't eat properly,think properly, can barely move but somehow my brain although pickled(from this whole situation), has working cells in! I suppose anger can be a good reaction in times like these.Our natural response is fight or flight when we are in danger or threat and the adrenalin and our other natural chemicals can work wonders..we have to allow them to, to survive.I suppose what i am trying to say fee, lets allow our responses to help us, in a positive way...That is what ive done..I have to admit that on a daily basis, i cry, alot, i don't like to see my little one scared but this is what they have created in my household.Fear!! It is wrong and we must not allow this to happen.. I have spoken with my Representative earlier and i appear to have a good case..You do too, so please find some strength, i will help you..To fill in the Appeal form, post it recorded delivery.you don't have to speak to them, but make sure your appeal is acknowledged and logged.They will write to you when they receive it.then, you have made the first steps to prove you are right, you can do this.! I am so sorry your friend has become somewhat un-supportive, i know how this feels too, it's the last thing you need right now.But there are plenty of people on here, who are compassionate and kind, knowledgeable too and will help you through this dreadful time..it will pass. I am sending you best wishes and strength.DO NOT GIVE IN AND DO NOT GIVE UP..OK? xxx
  7. Thank you, this is very kind of you..I am so pleased there are genuine people here, who care! I will check with my Rep that more letters won't interfere with my Tribunal process...its ridiculous isn't it, i am a nervous wreck, scared of telling them all they are doing wrong..how are they allowed to get away with leaving people with nothing?? !! I have no worries at all about sharing my details.I will get back to you once i have asked her and we can hopefully get 'stuck in' Thank you BRIGADIER2JCS..YOU are a good man.x
  8. I totally agree BRIGADIER2JCS...Who will listen though? Do i wait until the Tribunal date and let rip or what it the best way forward.I do have a Representative from A Disability Organisation but i just feel so lost and in limbo..I cannot get any money from DWP or LA my rent is due next wk, im ill and have a wee child..it really is quite a desperate situation.I never ever thought one could be punished so much for being vulnerable and ill..It is a disgrace!!! x
  9. fee0000, you sound like you are a decent person in a terrible situation..i know how it feels, believe me.Please, please do NOT give up try to keep calm summarise what has happened and either email this to the various charities that can help and tell the DWP you are appealing their decision.in fact you can download the form here http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/@benefits/documents/digitalasset/dg_201702.pdf .you know you are telling the truth , but you need some help..locally if possible.Someone you can sit down with who will listen and help or even fight for you.Try to make an appointment at your Local Citizens Advice http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ i know it's difficult getting an appointment but do not take no for an answer and do not give up.OK? I keep feeling like i should give up but you are right and you have every right to make yourself heard..let me know how you get on.Best wishes to you both and i am thinking of you.xxx
  10. Hi fee0000...the CCO just kept telling me he believed me..i cried all the way through the interview as i am depressed and living with long term chronic illness and pain that goes with it! He really made me think he was my friend and said to call him if i need any help with anything..He kept saying, you need help and i am going to make sure you get it..I could barely see i was so upset..There were other issues i told him about as he made me feel like i could talk to him.( I WAS ASSAULTED SEVERAL YEARS AGO).How stupid of me!!! He did not show me what he had written and at the end said, i must go i have more people to see.Just sign here and here..which i did, it was a blur but i truly believed he would help and he said everything was going to be fine..i had nothing to worry about! Well, that was in August 2011..13 months after the Housing Benefit visit (they found me NOT to be IN A COUPLE) My Tribunal papers state, they have lost the CCO visitors papers..'NO LONGER AVAILABLE' and now i have lost everything, my sanity with it!! all because of his visit and whatever it was he wrote down that bloody awful day! I just feel like giving up...
  11. Hi,thank you for your post assisted blonde, yes, thank goodness, i received my exemption card a few weeks ago..I didn't know anything about them until my nurse mentioned it..I have to take so many different meds a month and was so worried about paying for them.I quite simply couldn't afford to.So thank christ she was on the 'ball' Thank you for your help. I have now sent off my Tribunal forms and extra evidence.I have been told i should be allocated a Hearing date as a matter of urgency due to threat of eviction and the fact i am severely disabled and have a yr old dependant..I have been told it could be the latter part of July...i am still without Housing Benefit, CTB and I/S..So i have no idea where we will both be by then...Very low today and ready to give up if it wasn't for my dependant..x I will endeavour to keep you all updated..Best Wishes.X.
  12. Dear Fee0000, Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to send me a message.I am really sorry that you too are going through this hell they appear to take pleasure in putting us through..Please, please don't not give up in something you believe so strongly in, someone somewhere at some point has to listen to us..I think your idea is great, you are right, there are so many of us and i am right with you and your friend..Thank you for your kind wishes and please do keep in touch.I wish you both well and keep fighting..xxxi
  14. Dear Erika, Yes, i have my Appeal letter.I received it on 20/06/12 i also have my papers from the DWP..They have lost the CCO Report from when he visited last August but have written something about his visit so i presume they contacted him.Non of it makes sense to be honest and there are many flaws within it.I could do with a solicitor but trying to find one who specialises in these awful matters is very difficult! Thank you for your kind message.x I was found not to be living as husband and wife since 2006 and then for some very odd reason, after the CCO visit last year it has taken until April this year to decide i am..But i am NOT! it is completely wrong! x
  15. Thank you so much..i do hope you don't mind my asking for help..I am beginning to feel completely lost in a DWP fog..Thank you again.Best Wishes to you.x
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