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  1. Hi I was laid off from work on the 7th January (That was the last day I worked). I previously received two days Guarantee Pay in November, and will be paid three days Guarantee Pay for January, which will be paid in February. I am still laid off from work and have an appointment with the Job Centre tomorrow about receiving Jobseekers Allowance while I am laid off. As far as I am aware, after 4 weeks continuous lay-off, I can apply for redundancy pay (Have been there two years and 8 months). The question I wanted to ask was as follows: Last week, I took a weeks holiday instead of being laid off, due to the fact of no work available (Week commencing 14th January) Will that week count towards the four weeks laid off, or will that stop the clock so to speak, and not count towards it? Any help would be appreciated LKM1982
  2. In my opinion, I would file a grievence against the manager if things are that bad....
  3. Neither. My employer wrote to me to ask me to attend an "Employee Health Review". I went to the meeting and everything went ok. Have been signed off work for another month tho unfortunately .
  4. The meeting is actually being chaired by the Payroll Manager???. Yes I am in a union. I only received the letter this morning, so this has really given me no time to prepare at all. I have no problems attending the meeting, but just don't want this to be an excuse for them to start the "getting rid" process.
  5. I have been off sick recently, with a potentially serious illness. I suffer from constant headaches and nausea, which according to my CT scan, could be the result of abnormal blood vessels in the brain. I have just received a letter through the post today from my employer asking me to attend a Employee Health Review meeting tomorrow morning. Am I entitled to have a witness present for that, as it says nothing on the letter regarding witnesses?
  6. im sure they will come back when they wanna make something up lol
  7. just says i will continue to get updates....
  8. Looks like Lowell have purchased the debts. looks like name on defaults has changed according to the letter
  9. I'm not sure..... I never received N.O.A. from either them or Shop Direct.
  10. Hi. Just received an interesting letter from Lowells. I have three catalogue accounts with Shop Direct from around 2007. I CCA'd them and they failed to comply. So i sent the account in dispute letter. They sent me a letter this morning saying because the agreements haven't been sent then they are placing the accounts on hold and no collection activites will take place. What was interesting about this letter was that they also state that they won't pass it on to another DCA. Would this tend to suggest that they are up a creek without a paddle? LKM 1982
  11. Supposedly Ruth from Clarity wants to speak to me urgently..... Thats another text message haha. Will they never take the hint that I don't deal by phone lol:roll:
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