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  1. Hi, I totally agree. I took on the AA Home Emergency Response policy in November after Directline hoiked their prices up. I might as well ripped up the cash and poured it down the drain. We have had a leaking WC in our house for 5 days now, and inspite of "friendly" phone calls from the AA advising me that the response team were dealing with my claim, so far, nobody has repaired the toilet and I haven't got a definate date when they are going to do that. What a laugh, if my heating had failed or my drains had been blocked with raw sewerage then this would be a major issue. The AA seem incapable of administering this scheme on behalf of another insurance company. I suppose you get what you pay for, which at the moment is nothing!! I have sent Watchdog a quick email. So much for EMERGENCY response, I don't think so!
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