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Everything posted by chimera2_4

  1. Golfcaddie, are you sure all your loans were definitely deferred? And I take it, when there was a mix up and you weren't deferred, you accrued arrears? Did you still have arrears on your account recently? I'm thinking that if you weren't making any payments towards your arrears that they might have had the right to report you to Experian. Call or email them and ask what was on your account, ie, did you have some kind of payment plan in place for paying off the arrears or something, see if there was something that justifies them taking that action.
  2. Hi Firefox, Have you had everything fixed yet? Did you get yourself deferred with SLC and Thesis?? You know that you have to apply for deferment from Thesis separately from SLC, although SLC should be able to tell you on their accounts whether or not your deferred with Thesis or not. They've got an email address and you get dealt with pretty quickly through that. What if next time you applied for deferment you did it all online, emailed them the deferment pack and evidence back and that saves you worrying about it getting faxed and no one picking it up or it being mailed and getting lost! Just tryin to think of ways to help, maybe I'm being naiive here, but surely if you go and ignore any letters from them, the only person that will be harmed or eventually at an incovenience would be you. It would be no bother for a large company to find you and take you to court for money. If you've been in contact with them recently then you've acknowledged the fact you have a debt then that 6 year thing, just restarts again as far as I'm aware. It's very easy to get frustrated and angry when you don't get the service you expect or want, specially when its your money involved. But if you're not happy, complain, go through official channels, speak to the financial ombudsman or the office of fair trading. But make sure you have your ducks in order and that you've done the right thing first. Ignoring it or using illegal methods as someone else has mentioned....well.....I know you'll know that's just plain daft. I read all yer previous posts and you sounded so worried, so I hope you got yourself sorted in the end Firefox!!
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