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Everything posted by monty76

  1. dx100uk Yes Look at when the last post post was written. 2010 and no problems since. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE ABRASIVE DONT BOTHER REPLYING. It seems you are talking down to me so please don't do it. I came on asking for advice.
  2. That's the thing been with them for a few years with no problem after their last spat with the other half. They ring up as she is a valued customer offering discounts etc. Due to things going a bit belly up we have had to buy things from them.
  3. Good evening all. This is a rant at those nice people at Brighthouse. My partner and i decided we wanted a new laptop as the one we had was on its last legs. We opted for the samsung 23 inch touchscreen version which is a monitor, keyboard, mouse and remote control. No shops had this in stock so we went for a quality refurbished one which was only available from a store local to Leeds. The lady in the shop said they would deliver it to the store and we could pick it up from there. To speed the story up The pc was picked up from the store yesterday it was in a brown box secured with tape. So far so good. Got the box home and was really looking forwards to setting up. On opening the box i expected to see the original samsung box in there but nooo. The monitor was wrapped up in bubble wrap and some styrene blocks holding it in place. Hmmm not good so i carefully removed the monitor and put this on the side. I went back to the box to get the other essentials out ie the mains, keyboard, mouse remote and instructions But they were not there. All that was in the box was somebody elses returns note for a tv ripped up but all there Name full address customer number etc. It was too late to ring the store. This morning my partner rang up and explained all this got the normal i will ring you back which they did not. Five phonecalls later and it is still not sorted. T hey have to cantact a woman who was not in today (no surprise there) The store where the pc came from originally does not have the parts they should have sent with it and the icing on the cake happened earlier when i switched on the monitor to be greeted with a home screen which had not been reset from the Store and was still asking for Brighthouse password... .. The monitor is going back tomorrow as they have really peed us both off now. Quality refurbished according to them means that the pc would have been reset to factory settings. Have the broken any Laws, rules with regards to another customers personal information being in the box and by also supplying an item which is clearly not as described. ...Many thanks for reading my rant.
  4. I have a had a bit of a nasty dealing with brighthouse today. My partner wanted to get me a new laptop so phoned to see if an add on was available and got told yes just bring in recent proof of income so off we went. On arriving at the store i spotted a quality refurbished laptop which would have been £6.99 per week without osc. This is where things got interesting. The laptop which had the quality refurbished sign on it with all the details was not actually quality refurbished and apparently brighthouse have to put this up on products even if brand new!!!! that confused me too so i asked more questions like why does it say refurbished and i want that laptop as it states refurbished. The reply was that it was brighthouse policy to put a refurbished sign on it as somebody did not want it and returned it. My reply was so therefore it is a refurbished product so could i have it. NO was the answer and i could have a new one. Ok a new one as by now i felt like sitting down and banging my head on a glass table. My partner then came over and said we could not have the laptop as it would be over our limit. (anyone else aware that bright house have a credit limit) I then said could we have it without optional service cover and got told you cannot have the laptop without the osc. We just left feeling very confused. Regarding optional service cover and dlc do you have to take out a new contract if you take either of these off as we had to on our last purchase and by taking either off can affect you getting another product from them in the future
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