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Everything posted by oleg

  1. Something not quite right here. Hoist [parent group of R W] are bitter rivals of Lowell. I've never known them to collect on their behalf. Pls let us know what it's about, when the mystery unravels. Absence from your credit file suggests it could be over 6 years old - or multiple mailings to everyone with same / similar name. Tough - hehe.
  2. It has no effect on the actions you have to take. Looks like J C are feeling miffed and as part conditional provisions of the portfolio sale agreement are now handing back. They're not exactly same company, as I outlined earlier, but more or less tentacles of an octopus. "Treating Customers Fairly?"
  3. I did say "if I recall correctly" not that I'm 100% certain. My laptop is on the blink so I can't access my records. Try searching other BW cases in the legal section. In any event I think what's more important is for you to decide whether you think it best to ward them by persuasive letters or just to respond on a matters arising basis to their attempts at brinkmanship via the courts. If you haven't yet read other B W cases , it's in your strong interests that you do. If Daniella is concerned about judge lotteries, I guarantee you so are B W. Especially if they've had to stump up a £410/550 hearing fee.
  4. Difficult to give specific advice unless you give more specific details, not least name names. We know most creditor / purchaser / DCA behaviours. Without background information we're simply guessing. Don't imagine using a different address will help you. It won't. The owner can get a CCJ at the last address you gave the creditor whether you live there or not. You don't need to respond to fishing. No point.
  5. You shouldn't be discussing with either of those outfits and certainly not using words they don't understand , eg moral. Keep things in writing as you need a paper trail. It seems you're being threatened with a S D. If so , why not post up details for others to comment?
  6. You can't join MBNA and Nat West in single SAR! Different companies. HFC belong to HSBC , hence only one SAR needed
  7. Last payment would have been to original creditor. Or no payment at all. Your defence will be putting them to proof of this. If Lowell think someone paid in 2009 they have issued a claim now to try to beat the statute bar.
  8. Card issuer can't reveal your details to anyone except police or court. TFL would need to go that route - if it's worth the fuss. If, as you say, you can't have a criminal record, it would be best not to commit criminal offences, wouldn't it?
  9. Meant to say, the above is back-up materiel in addition to the S B argument, which you should in all probability win. If I recall correctly BW have tried that on before and lost.
  10. No need to write begging letters pleading for your life. BW know exactly what a CCA should include. Your defence alerts them to the fact that you're aware and armed. If they persist regardless, they can easily be exterminated via a very simple witness statement. Also pls note, they frequently say they'll go ahead but withdraw at last minute. See what others with experience of BW think. Capital One's old application forms are a doddle to throw out: you're in no danger whatsoever.
  11. No time limit to misselling compensation claims. To try to find what you've paid , make SAR. It's one request per group not per account, so your HSBC one would cover your HFC as well as HSBC account itself. But you should mention this , not just say "all accounts", as records may not have been integrated. You may struggle to get such old information, but it does often turn up if you kick up a fuss .
  12. You don't say you "want to cancel" but you "have cancelled". You granted the authority, you rescind it. Important to make clear who is Master, who slave.
  13. HF were standard back-up squad for RW. ma Was yours was a case of moving addresses or simple staying put and playing Ostrich syndrome? If any reclaiming to do . . . PPI Complaints HSBC Box 5207 CV3 9FB Don't breathe a whiff of full/final to HF at this stage. Wait until your position is at its strongest - i e after saving up or obtained misselling compensation.
  14. CPR 31.14 Restons will only send rubbish back but you still have to request it'
  15. You asked about getting credit again. Various ways of demonstrating a track record include - obtaining a credit repair credit card but ONLY if you have the will / discipline to pay monthly in full , failing which steer well clear - taking out a mobile phone contract but keep an eagle eye on call / data usage - asking your basic bank account provider whether they will up you to a full current account [but not a fee-charging frills one] If your salary level is sufficient, you would probably qualify for any of the above, as your credit file now seems to be in the clear. Don't go near PDLs or forget your CCJ payments, no matter What, or you'll slide right back to the bottom of the pole
  16. Do you mean Horwich Farrelly , solicitors [of a sort] to Robinson Way [or Lewis or other branch of Hoist Group]? How long you been feeding these creatures?
  17. Jurisdiction - means within the court's power or remit - you would tick if your residence is abroad for example - obviously not relevant here
  18. Also - You stated that O2 confirmed a fraudulent application in your name. I asked whether you have that from them in writing. Unless I've missed something, I don't think you've answered.
  19. Looks like Restons. They adopted that style recently to assist their saying they not mentioned anything for cpr 31.14
  20. You need only acknowledge service within 14 days. That gives you breathing space. If it's not your account, you can't claim statute barred. How would you know if it's not yours? Do you have in writing from O2 that it was obtained fraudulently? Don't worry. If you did not take out this account, it will easily be despatched by a holding defence, putting Lowell to strict proof. Read the legal successes section to get a hang of it .
  21. Leave that . He thought you may have other debts. Arrow rarely phone "customers" themselves. They leave it to their henchmen. It will have been Restons who called you, pretending to be Arrow. Goodness knows why they've taken over 7 years to call you. And has your address stayed same? If you've definitely not paid towards this account in all that time, you're right in suspecting it to be statute barred.
  22. Well their ultimate weapons are charging order or bankruptcy but you're nowhere that scenario yet and the aim is of course to prevent. Post no.3 explained situation wrt joint liability. You haven't submitted CCA request yet, have you? When approx was the loan taken out? Return mail for ex partner marked "not at this address". If it continues, which it will, give them a final notice to cease and desist, otherwise this breach of conduct will, without further warning, be reported to the FCA.
  23. Yes it may well be necessary to sort these out into different threads but not just yet - let's get more of the overview first. What do you mean funeral in £3700 - you mean payout due from a funeral plan? And what is a witt? So it's essentially credit cards and cats, you've CCA'd the lot and waiting for replies to most. Yes I bet they're all keen to "assist". I'd stop the correspondence for now until you can fathom out what's what. Did you enclose with the CCAs authority to act on the lady's behalf? Any idea how long since she stopped paying the various creditors? I have to leave for now but others will jump in and pick matters up for you . Meanwhile pls try to answer the questions I've asked. Thx
  24. When you were paying Wescot, they were acting as collectors for Lloyds on a commission-only basis. However, the bank have now assigned [i.e. sold] it to First. They only do this when they given up hope. This means that there is something wrong with either the debt or the debtors. One such wrong is the frankly hopeless and daft letter from Wescot trying to wriggle out of their previous commitment to let you pay off at a knock down price. No need to correspond with First at this stage, let them steam away for now, they love writing fiery venomous but ultimately meaningless letters. But they do tend to go for litigation when / if they sense it's both necessary and worthwhile. Do you have property, other assets, disposable income? Oleg
  25. Hello Rich Sounds like you may be trying to handle a complex of debts. If so , I suggest you post up an overall summary. For each debt: owner [original creditor/purchaser?], type [eg phone contract, personal loan], balance, state of play [eg no action yet, CCA] Any property or other assets? Any PPI or penalty charges ? We may then want you to start individual threads for each, depends on overall picture. I would hold back from paying or negotiating until we know where you stand. Certainly don't talk to creditors or they will mislead you due to their insatiable greed. Oleg
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