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Posts posted by oleg

  1. Hello again Don't worry about Wescot. Just ignore their drivel, including letters purporting to come from a solicitor but in reality in-house. They can do nothing unless they have been assigned a debt , rather than just passed it to collect on a commission basis. I seriously question the wisdom of getting into a badminton match with Lloyds. They are not entitled to your medical notes but you did open the access gate. Personally I would ignore just as they will ignore anything inconvenient from you.


    At the most I would offer to supply a supporting note from a medical professional if the bank are willing first to make a conditional offer of a write-off. But for heaven's sake don't hold your breath.


    You did say yesterday that things are in hand, including raising the bankruptcy fee, so I thought you were almost sorted.


    If the fee is likely to be imminent , no need to be responding to any non-priority creditor, except in the highly improbable event of a court claimform arriving.

  2. Mrs Soup


    Please list your debts, we can offer advice.



    Current owner if debt sold

    Account type eg credit card

    Date of inception

    Payment status

    Approx balance


    We can take things from there.


    Also pls confirm which part of the UK you live in.


    If your debts are large enough to warrant bankruptcy but you have no assets, you can simply stop paying : they will never make you bankrupt if they'll get nothing out of you.


    Mind you, your fan mail will increase.

  3. Well she must have been exceptionally lucky. I have seen heart rending cases dismissed out of hand cos creditors sense they can still somehow squeeze another few drops out of the sponge.


    Sorry to hear of your loss. Very brave of you in the circumstances to take the approach you did. Forgive my words if they were inappropriate but , of course, I wasn't aware of what had happened.

  4. Comforting to know that Police have so much spare capacity that they can double up as mental health / social workers and , moreover, are clued up enough to judge accurately your state of mind just before you shut the door and hanged yourself.


    Oh and btw requesting a write off generally doesn't work unless you're terminally ill, no assets, no estate and no relatives.

  5. Ed Vazey Communications Minister has just been defending himself and his committee on Radio 4's You and Yours against the criticism that they should have provided a single hub through which people could complain.


    He was also somewhat dismissive of the Fair Telecoms campaign, giving the impression that they are little other than a bunch of unconstructive moaners.


    [Wonder what he makes of *us*?]

  6. Not the first time this confusion has arisen. Capital Resolve are none other than 1st Credit in drag. And they should not be confused with Resolve Call who, in turn, are Scotcall in drag.


    In fact the whole flaming species are a drag, but that's by the by.


    steuts, I like dx am baffled that you would still, one year on, be playing ball with cfo.


    You were advised last year to go to the then OFT. Did you not?

  7. As already stated, the normal route would be to submit a "no paperwork" holding defence, requiring them to provide proof of a debt.


    Pls now wait for d q.


    Counter claim is more flexibly / efficiently managed by direct approach, free of charge and with subsequent right to appeal [eg via fos]. But you should focus attention on the main beast for now - Lowell's claim.


    Did you check your mcol / ring court?

  8. Unfortunately they are correct wrt default notices. They are outsourced and MBNA retain only the data not the document. Many of their default notices gave insufficient remedy time but you can't prove if you didn't keep them.


    Even if you had, it may well have been of no consequence as court often deem this to be de minimis.


    Get SAR to MBNA sent off asap. That should produce, amongst other things, statements to enable you to reclaim penalty charges.

  9. First things first. Do as advised. Check claim status via mcol or ring court.


    Part 18 not usually appropriate - especially for something you have already done, viz. CCA request.


    SAR from Lloyds should produce statements before court date unless your court is doing fast turnarounds.


    I wouldn't have sought counter-claim but you responded to the N1 before seeking advice here.

  10. Wouldn't be writing to R W if I were you. Even if the daily soft searches carried on. They would soon stop though. The less u wave your arms about the less they'll notice you. They can't do much if you've no assets and they've no CCA, but their mail can get irritating.


    By all means complain to ICO if you want to be public spirited.



    You say you've no experience of DCAs yet previously you said you'd paid one for some time. You ought to have learnt from that mistake what they're like.

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