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  1. having just read all these stories i wish i had before i gave my bank details over the phone most of what has been said happened to me but they asked for a coppy of my last bank statement and a photo copy of my bank card front and rear at this point i stopped them in thier tracks and told them i was not interested in thier loana nd under no cicumstances would i give them coppies of my bank card and that they were not aloowed to withdraw 69.95 from my account that i would not be using them but low and behold they have taken the funds leaving me overdrawn at the bank and now i will have bank charges toi deal with too and not get my money back from either source oh and good old brittish banking system they wont recall the funds either about time for a maj change in the law and banking system and still the loan emails come in hundreds of them every day what a mug never again all through one request for a loan with hbos who redirected me to another company why bother
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