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Rob S

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Posts posted by Rob S

  1. It states that if i dont pay within 14 days the amount and details of the circumstances will be registered with all the leading Credit Reference Agencies.


    And what authority do they have to do that? Absolutely none.You haven't signed a credit agreement of any sort with them and you haven't made any agreement to abide by any contract of theirs, so if they try and place information with the credit reference agencies at this stage they will be breaching the Data Protection Act.



    A judgement will be applied for, and this will appear as a default on my credit hiostory which will affect your ability to obtain credit in the future.


    It will only affect a persons credit history if they take the case to county court and get a judgement in their favour. Until such time as this happens they are just blustering.



    We may also arrange for a Collection Agent to call at the registered keepers address to settle the outstanding account. Any subsequent visit/letter will attract an admin charge of £25 which will be added to the outstandiing amount.



    Let them send their agents around but they have no power of entry and no legal right to even visit. They can be told to go away. The admin charges are also unenforceable penalties.

  2. No, I'm not talking about prime ministers having a rant, but PM's received from other members through CAG:) If another member sent a message that was insulting or abusive, what would you do about it? Would you respond in kind and give them a piece of your mind or would the CAG mods be able to do something about it and deal with the perpetrator?

  3. Zamzara. Please read my post. I have explicitly stated that NO crime has taken place. I am just saying that withholding the price was dishonest. That is all I have EVER said.



    Since the OP actually went up to a member of staff and asked them to check the rpice of the item it is abundantly clear they have not withheld the price. The company are capable of checking the price easily.

  4. So why delibrately remove the price tag Rob? Just because she made a bad job of doing it doesnt mean she wasnt acting dishonestly!


    The OP stated that the price tag inside wasn't even secured to the item, which is most unusual as they are usually attached by some secure means and not left loose. She was silly to remove it, but the fact that she then enquired about the correct price of the item doesn't suggest dishonest behaviour.

  5. There are many test routes around the country where there may be a peculiarity that sets it apart from your average run of the mill hazard, so it is logical that instructors will take their clients there to practice.


    As suggested elsewhere the DSA do put up notices in test centres asking instructors to use other locations but at the end of the day, the location is on the public highway and there is little that can be done to prevent someone from using it for practice.

  6. But has also made a deliberate effort to ensure that the reason he was querying the price was hidden.


    With barcodes and stuff it is very easy for a member of staff to check up on the price. The fact remains that if the OP had every intention of trying it on then there is now way they would have approached a member of staff to confirm the price, they would have just gone the whole hog and swapped the price tag over with something else.

  7. However removing the price tag and dropping it on the floor which you admit to doing yourself, and then asking a member of staff for the price and then paying that price at the tills is an offence.


    What is the offence?



    In fact what you have done is an arrestable offence under the police and criminal evidence act as you have commit theft/fraud by deception.


    The Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 has replaced PACE in respect of powers of arrest.



    The fact that the item may have been priced incorrectly doesn't matter.


    Why's that then?




    The fact is you did this offence and have admited it there and then as well as on here. I work in that high street and if you where to try that where i work you would be taken away in cuffs and have a criminal record and proberly out of work right now. So count yourself lucky


    Yes, the OP should count herself lucky that she didn't encounter you, as clearly you know as much about the law as you think you do, and would no doubt find yourself being sued by now.:rolleyes:

  8. Was this theft? No. However, the OP has clearly, by her own admission, made a deliberate and intentional attempt to disguise the price as shown on the bag. Anyone who says this isnt dishonest really is being delibrately obtuse - to my mind, it is the definition of.


    The only flaw here is that the OP has also made a deliberate effort to find out the correct price by asking a member of staff to verify it. That is hardly the actions of someone dishonest.

  9. I stand to be corrected if I am wrong but I don't believe that the baliffs need an SIA licence for clamping in these circumstances. It's only the companies who clamp on private land who need to be SIA registered, as I understand it.


    With regards to the issues of what the bailiffs can do, I would suggest you post in the debt section and hopefully a member called TomTubby will come along and advise you.

  10. I'm sorry but I think you knew exactly what you were doing and that was to try and get a very expensive item a lot cheaper by using an element of dishonesty.


    Had you simply asked if the price tag inside was correct then fine but instead you used subterfuge in the hope to get a bargain as you, or your ma, appear to know who the designer Marc Jacobs is.


    Not sure of the criminal element but I think a ban from the store is appropriate and which they are entitled to enforce.


    However, the accusation of dishonest appropriation could well be accurate and no doubt they have your actions on camera which is why you were stopped.


    As a law student surely you must recognise you were asking for trouble?


    Sorry Al, but you really are talking rubbish here. Perhaps you should read the thread properly before jumping in and making accusations of criminal behaviour without the substance to back it up.

  11. That's exactly the reason I gave Bernie:D I did make a copy of my old licence but I was interested to see what DVLA actually hold as they often state that they don't retain old documentation. I am tempted to write back and to ask for copies of everything that they have, not just the print out that I received:)

  12. Rob,


    what is the preocedure for this, and how much does it cost?


    I plan on changing my old paper licence for a new style photo licence and don't want to lose my motorcycle entitlement.








    This is from the DVLA website and it is the procedure I followed. It took them about 2 weeks to turn my request around.


    Release of information about yourself - Driver Register

    Enquiries of the Driver Licence Record should be addressed to DCS (Data Subject Enquiries), D4, DVLA, Swansea SA6 7JL. You should give details of your address, driver number or full name and date of birth and reason for request. A fee of £5 is payable.


    Just make your cheque payable to DVLA.

  13. There has been a lot of interest of late in DVLA and how they are cocking up simple changes of addresses on driving licences and returning them with full categories such as motorcycle or LGV/HGV missing, often leading to the affected person having to retake the test again as DVLA have refused to budge.


    I decided to SAR DVLA and see what they were holding on me relating to my full driving licence categories, especially as it was a long time ago that I took both my motorcycle and car driving tests (1979 in fact). The print out arrived today and it showed the full categories that I currently hold, the date I gained the categories and when they expire.


    I would suggest that anyone in dispute with DVLA applies to receive this print out. It could contain vital information relating to the categories you hold and could be valuable evidence to use against them. I will certainly be filing mine in a safe place so that when I send my photo licence off for renewal in 2017 ( as they expire every 10 years now, unlike the paper licences), should DVLA drop any categories I will have the necessary evidence at hand to fight them.

  14. Probably on the basis that all the police do is deal with traffic accidents and have a drugs raid every now and then.


    Try reporting an actual crime to them and they are either not interested or fob you off with it being a civil matter


    You obviously have a very in-depth knowledge of what police officers actually do:rolleyes:

  15. It could be an admission that their methods of retaining data relating to test passes is not up to scratch, but it is also their usual tactic of putting the onus on you to prove you have passed the test. Given that the only proof that you get is the test pass certificate, which then has to be sent to DVLA, then that is pretty difficult.


    That's why I would do a SAR under the Data Protection Act and find out exactly what information they hold on you. From the DVLA website:-


    Release of information about yourself - Driver Register

    Enquiries of the Driver Licence Record should be addressed to DCS (Data Subject Enquiries), D4, DVLA, Swansea SA6 7JL. You should give details of your address, driver number or full name and date of birth and reason for request. A fee of £5 is payable.

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