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worried mother

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  1. The garage in question have a no cooling off policy once vehicle has been driven offsite so it was in their interest to get the car offsite asap. Also when the police went to arrest him he had conveniently lost the keys MOT and V5 docs so could not hand her car over
  2. I think he was eager to take ownership and knew what he was doing when he signed the v5, he is currently on bail for assaulting her and has a history of abuse. Technically the v5 was never signed over to her so she never took ownership of the vehicle to then sign it over to him so i am wondering if the contract is void
  3. Seeing a solicitor next Monday but need any angle to get car back before he destroys it, both police and finance company saying civil matter
  4. Hi my daughter recently took out a finance agreement on HP with Black Horse for the purchase of a car. At the car dealers they were offering 7 day free driveaway car insurance but she was advised that she could not drive the car away because she was under 21. The dealer signed over the V5C to her boyfriend at a totally different address to that on the finance agreement and not her and allowed him to drive away the car. At no point did the dealer ever sign over the V5C to her. The boyfriend has insured the car in his name at his address and is refusing to return it to her. We have contacted the police but have been advised it is a civil matter. As the V5 has never been signed over to her from the dealer is the contract void? She is up to date with payments where do we go from here?
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