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  1. Thanks so much for all the support and advice. I went back to the mall yesterday and was almost tempted to park with one wheel over the line just to be bloody-minded
  2. I got my first parking ticket from UKPC and was really upset. 40 years of driving and never a ticket until today. The ticket says Vehicle Owner Left Site, which I certainly didn't as I only had two hours to do my Christmas shopping and couldn't waste a minute. Plus, it was a retail shopping site and there was nowhere else to go! The attendant said he had made a mistake on the ticket and it should have said Vehicle Parked Out of Marked Bay and showed me a photo he'd taken as evidence. Thank heaven I found this forum as I was about to send a letter with receipts showing I had not in fact left the site. Someone at the site told me he had received a few tickets from UKPC and told me the ticket was invalid as there was no warden number and the contravention was incorrect anyway. It's absolutely appalling how these people can get away with doing this. How many unsuspecting souls have fallen foul of this and paid up without a fight? Another lady at the site told me she was going to pay her fine early as she didn't want to have to pay the full £90. I wish I'd taken her number so I could have told her about this site and the advice here.
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