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Everything posted by nogerp1985

  1. Hi, Can anyone offer any advice regarding the following issue. I defaulted on a loan with Wonga. I agreed a plan with Wonga which was being paid without any issues. There was a condition that if a broke the plan then they would add roughly £1k worth of interest/charges to the balance. Out of the blue last June the debt was passed to Gothia, who took the same plan. My issue is the following - I missed a payment, my fault, no-one elses. Gothia have now added the interest onto the balance. I'm was only couple of hundred off clearing the debt, and now it stands at over £1k. Can Gothia do this? I'm inclined just to clear what i believe is owed then ignore, however i don't want to be chased in month/years to come and certainly do not want to go to court or have collectors at my door. I live with family and this would cause major issues. Its unclear who owns the debt, i've never received any letters to say the debt has been sold to Gothia, or emails for that matter.
  2. Hi, Thanks for the replies. I reviewed my finances recently and £65 is a fair amount for me to be repaying. I considered all my other priorities before deciding on this amount so i am happy i can make this commitment for now and the future. With regards to the loan it is unsecured. I don't know the amount of charges added so this is something i will look into. How do i go about reclaiming charges? just write to them and request or is there a template to use? Thanks
  3. Hi, I had a loan with Halifax which fell into arrears. I had an arrangement to pay £65 per month, however he other day i received a letter from Fairfax Solicitors to inform me they were now collecting the debt. I had not broken the arrangement with Halifax so this was a bit unexpected. I phoned fairfax who said they would accept the same offer to keep making payments. The debt is for £4.2k and i will be increasing the monthly payment amount once i have cleared some other debts. I've just had a letter to confirm this but i've also received an income and expenditure form. Do i have to complete this? Could this result in the debt being taken to court of i don't fill it out? It asks for information such as employer details and to be honest i don't want to give them any information like this. how likely are Fairfax to take me to court and how quickly can this happen? What are peoples thoughts? Thanks
  4. Hi, any more news or progress with this. I'm waiting for my debt to either be passed onto these people or the debt collection. Did they call you at work at all? If so was this a work number you gave them or one they found?
  5. Hey, I've recently defaulted with PTP and the day after got a call from someone asking for full payment. On my day of default i emailed them stating what i can pay over 6 months and was hoping for them to come to an agreement. They rejected my offer and said i have a month to pay before they pass it on to a 3rd party. I want them to pass the debt on so i can deal with the collection agency however my concern is that they will contact my work place. In my offer i requested they remove all numbers other than my mobile and that they do not be contact at work as this is a personal matter and it has nothing to do with my employer. The only number i originally gave them for my work was my personal line so hopefully even if they do call it won't matter that much. They haven't phoned me at work yet, its just worries me they may find a number for the HR department, this would really bother me as i don't want colleagues to find out? Any advise would be great
  6. Hi, Hoping someone can help. I have a £500 overdraft with Halifax where i get charged £1 a day for using it. I'm in a cycle where i can get enough money in the account to pay the charges but never to actually clear the debt. Is there anyway to agree with Halifax a charge freeze for a period of time to enable me to clear the overdraft? Has anyone else been in this type of situation with Halifax and found a way to pay back the debt, without having to default? Many Thanks
  7. Hi Everyone, Thanks for getting back to me. On Sunday i emailed MH and the person VJ provided offering payment over a 10 month period. Today I got a text off MH asking them to call, which i did. They agreed my payment proposal, but advised this will be reviewed after 3 months which i suppose is fair if it means them agreeing for now. They've also requested an income and expenditure form, i haven't done this and don't really want to so will try and put this off with them for as long as possible. They have confirmed all collection activity (phone calls, letters, etc) will stop whilst the plan is in place which is a relief. At least this gives me 3 months to reduce the balance without them on my case. We'll see how long they last without the income and expenditure form! if anything changes or i need more advice i'll be back, lets hope this will keep them quiet for a while Cheers
  8. Thanks sillygirl1, I'll do that right away. Not sure why they have to use these tactics. As far as i'm concerned i owe them the money and all i want to do is come to an arrangement so i can repay a reasonable amount a month. Thanks again
  9. HeatA How did things go with Mackenzie Hall? I've just been passed over to them by quick-quid for a balance of £880 and after one conversation with with MH I don't think its going to be easy to come to some sort of arrangement! I'm in a position to offer around £50-75 a month but they lady on the phone said they weren't interested in payment plans. She then tried to convince me i was committing fraud by taking out a loan without intending to pay (which is not the case) and it would be taken to court. are these their usual tactics? Ideally i don't want to deal with these guys by letter, i'd rather deal with them by email at all times. Is this possible? Thanks
  10. Snevillio, When did you fail to repay quick quid? Did you try and contact them or vice versa? How long before Mackenzie hall got involved, what has your dealings with them been? I failed to repay last week and have heard nothing. I kind of expect a default but plan to try and settle asap
  11. Hi HeatA, What was your progress with this? Did you hear anything once you had defaulted? what was the process and were they willing the set up payment arrangements? Thanks
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