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Portia 62

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Everything posted by Portia 62

  1. Happy New Year Everybody ... and here's hoping you all managed a great Christmas .. even those of you who've had the misfortune to have had dealings with the TechGuys! Thanks for all your replies .... needless to say ... my "problems" with this astonishing company remain unresolved ... in fact I am no further forward AT ALL ... since starting this thread. Last week on 28th December, I spoke to a pleasant enough lady who told me that they had located my laptop at the depot ... down to the exact shelf and pallet .... (drum roll!!). She PROMISED that I would be contacted by the end of the day/by the end of the next morning, by the depot manager with a date for delivery by the end of the week .... and if, by some freak accident, this DIDN'T happen .... she would do everything in her power ... nay, she WOULDN'T REST!! ... until somebody called me back and this was sorted out .... Well ... needless to say .... yes, you've guessed it, folks! ... I haven't heard from either her OR the "depot manager" since .... I spoke to another pleasant girl today who assured me that somebody from the depot would call by the end of today .... and .... oh come on .. you can fill in the blanks!!! Like user ramyajaidev, I can't really afford to sue PC World .. but on the other hand, they'd be paying our costs in the end, wouldn't they? And I've certainly accrued plenty of those ... what in wasted time and telephone calls etc .... What I would like to know now, in the first instance, is .... if there is a specific Ombudsman who deals with this sector of the retail industry? Does anybody know? Many thanks in anticipation! .....
  2. Hi I have a problem with PC World/TechGuys (an HP laptop funnily enough!!) .. and I am also awaiting a response from this CEO. Could you tell me what happened? Did they resolve your problem in the end? Many thanks! By the way ... to Chris @ 23/10/10 22:04 "Customer service will guarantee you a response" .... I have only had automated responses from them, asking for contact information which I have clearly already provided!!
  3. Very VERY worried to see so many negative stories about PC World/TechGuys posted here ... I was hoping that my experience, although tedious and time-consuming, was a one-off, and all would be sorted out eventually ... now I'm not so sure ... In a nutshell ... TechGuys have had my laptop in for repair for weeks, despite their contractual promise to return it within 10-14 days ... the repair has been done (allegedly) and the laptop is ready for despatch ... somebody phones to arrange delivery ... and it doesn't arrive ... I phone and am told the delivery has been cancelled, although nobody can tell me why .. (and nobody bothered to tell me, the customer, while I was sitting at home waiting for it) .. I am promised a call from "the depot" with a rescheduled delivery time, which, needless to say, never happens ... I phone again (listen to the dreadful "musak" for what seems like hours again!) and am told the same thing .... AGAIN!!! They will NOT give me a direct number for this "depot" so I can't phone them myself ... I simply have to wait for the call that never comes .. or phone the general number again .. to be told the same thing and go through the whole pointless exercise again .... I asked for the name of somebody in authority in Customer Service, but my email to him (they wouldn't give me his number, of course) was intercepted by an automated response asking for my contact numbers .. although these were provided in the original email! In short ... I've reached a dead end. Even if I was to sue, I'm not sure where or to whom I'd send it. Any suggestions, please?? Thanks!
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