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  1. Just to like say; thank you all for ur contributions, i was so paranoid about this, i've now got the confidence to go up to the council and give them my thoughts.
  2. I understand but, the council won't accept my payment, i offered to pay direct, they are saying its out of their hands, i can only pay the DCA. I don't know how to force the issue. The only thing i should really do is just find another gym, probably a private one. The council should've at least informed or gave me prior notification that they are going to send this to the DCA, but i guess they are out to make a quick buck out of gullible people. I must admit, its hard not to give in as the gym is very local, i am going to trying talking to the council again, or just speak to my councillor.
  3. Tnx i am a bit more reassured now as they are highly unlikely to inform the credit agencies over this, I haven't recieved anything from DCA as of yet, they take so long. The gym is very local and i actually wanted to use it again, and i can't use it until the DCA contacts me and i have to pay them. The gym doesn't have any of the DCA contact details either so i have to wait for a letter before payment. And i have to show the gym the reciept for me to use it again, the system is so disorganised.
  4. Tnx for your reply, I stupidly didn't read the T&C, I just took the guy's word that I could cancel anytime after 3 month, lesson learnt. I didn't recieve any sort of communication or notification from the gym council beforehand, they just simply passed it on to the DCA. I haven't recieved any sort of communication from the DCA yet either. I am just waiting for the letter from DCA, I was thinking of just paying the DCA when i get the letter and find out if they have reported me, and convince them to cancel it in exchange for a payment, or just completely ignore the DCA and the allegations. At this stage, i don't mind doing either. I just don't want this to go on to my credit report, all I want to know is the best possible action to take to avoid it being reported to my credit report. I never thought of complaining to the council, is this the best way to help avoid it being reported on my credit report or can i try something else, like i mentioned earlier. Many Thanks.
  5. Hi all I signed up to a membership with a local council gym for a contract of 3 months, and the guy said i could cancel afterwards anytime when i signed up, i paid for about 7 months and then i decided to cancel the direct debit with them as i was too busy and didn't use it for a month, i didn't want to waste money unnecessarily. But i changed my mind later on and i decided to go after 1 month, but to my surprise, the customer agent said that i broked the term and conditions and its been passed on to a debt collection agency and i can't use the gym till i pay them. I tried explaining it to them and offered to pay them straight even though i didn't use the gym, they kept ignoring me, and told me that i had to give a 30 day notice, which i think i did anyway, when i went there. I even asked for the DCA number to pay them directly, but they didn't have it and said it was out of their hands and that i had to wait for a letter from the DCA now, which i haven't got yet. I am just really worried about my credit rating report here, as i am looking to move into a career in finance, and i don't want the debit collection agency to report this to the credit agencies, I never had any financial problems like this before. This has been bugging me a lot and i don't know what to do now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.
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