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  1. So sorry to hear Martin has passed away. Although I didn't know him personally, he took the time to help others in these difficult times which is a very noble thing to do. I offer my condolences to his family. Martin may you rest in peace and thank you for your good heart. Jason
  2. fred, i'm on my phone at the moment so will post a paragraph for you once i'm on my pc at home. I had mbna harass me and so after i told them i'm recording ALL calls and read this paragraph to them, they back right off. I'm a new member so i'm unsure of the library but i can say what i used worked. I get maybe one call a week now and i'm never there when they call but am prepared for when they do. I'll post later if you need it. Good luck fred be strong. P.s i used my letters on santander and i had two letters back and now nothing. I owe more than you!
  3. hi all, i'm fighting mbna at the moment. I sent 3 letters forming a tacit agreement with them and so far they have worked. Had a dca after me but dispatched them so far. I have some knowledge and hope i can help in some way. I will be asking some questions also. Does anybody know about novation? I want to ask mbna if they are the current owner of the original credit agreement or if they sold it on to a third party as an investment. Can anybody help me with a notice or other please? I can help with my method and some templates i used and others have had success with. I'm glad to be part of the community and hope i can help fellow members. Jason
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