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  1. I had an appointment with Barclays this morning to get a buildings insurance quote. Mine is due for renewal and I had picked up a leaflet in the bank a short while ago stating if they could not beat your renewal quote they would match it and also give £50 for switching to them. Thought I was on a winner. My quote for renewal was £216, Barclays gave me their quote - a massive £475, note this is just for buildings not contents as well. The advisor at the bank was shocked it was so high. I mentioned the leaflet I had, and she said yes there was an offer on at the moment and phoned through to insurance services who told her, no they could not beat the quote, and there was nothing they could do. I reminded her of what it said in my leaflet and she said she would go speak to the manager to see what he said, she asked if she could just have a look at my leaflet and took it with her to see the manager. back she came saying they could not help as the quote has to be within a hundred pounds difference, and as it was more the offer did not apply. Showing me a new brochure which stated the £100 thing. She said they must have new leaflets now and asked where I had got mine and where from. I told her I only picked it up a couple of weeks ago at their bank. Needless to say I didn't get anywhere and they didn't give me my leaflet back, which I thought no more of till I got home. I could have kicked myself, i should have hung on to it. Does anybody know if this would have made a difference, could I have complained? Sorry to rant on, needed to get this off my chest:-x
  2. Thanks, I appreciate your reply. I really need to do this as I have paid a small fortune in charges, just need a little help and reassurance along the way. I will wait for statements and let you know how I get on.
  3. Hi, I have never posted on a forum before and hope I am doing this right. I want to reclaim charges from Barclays. After reading all I could on this site I sent a letter off to Barclays, the one asking for details of charges. I have received the following reply. We refer to your letter of 21 June, which was passed to this department for comment due to your request for certain information, relating to bank charges, under the tems of the Data Protection Act ("the DPA"). Please be aware that the bank is not under an obligation to present information according to any particular format. Therefore your request to assemble a schedule of charges is turned aside. You may of course obtain this data from copy statements and these will be supplied to you shortly without charge on this occasion. As the bank is providing the copy statements on a complimentary basis your payment is returned herewith. As regards your mention of "manual intervention", the DPA does not oblige the bank to comment about internal policies and procedures. Futhermore, in the context of managing day to day transactions arising from out of order accounts, the bank does not hold the information you have requested in a form that would be covered by the DPA. Whilst aggregated information is retained for statistical purposes, this would not constitute "personal data" under the DPA and therefore would not be covered by a s.7 DPA subject access request. For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that we do not generally record information in a way that is caught by the provisions of the DPA, is in no way an admission that there was no such manual intervention. yours sincerely Peter Townsend Manager, Barclays Data Protection I hav'nt a clue what this means. I sent £10 payment which was returned with this letter. What do I do next. Can anybody advise please:razz: Thanks
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