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  1. Hi Thanks in advance for any help. I lent someone a large some of money with a written contract in place which shows that he agreed to pay back the amount when he sold his property. I have only just learnt that he is now at the very tale-end of the sale and that he is likely to receive payment in as little as a week. I contacted him and he told me that he will not be paying me as agreed and that he will pay me later. What can I do? Is there any way that I can 'intercept' the sale so that, for example, the proceeds of the sale are awarded to me OR at least 'frozen' until this dispute is settled? Because the sale is fairly imminent and, as a consequence, he will receive the money shortly (possibly as soon as a week), what urgent action can I take NOW to stop him receiving the money until at least a court or whatever can decide the case? For example, can I get a solicitor to apply for an immediate court order that will/can react quick enough to stop the received funds from going to him before this dispute is resolved? Because I have only just learnt that he is selling the house, there is no CCJ in place or applied for as yet. Many thanks, David
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