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  1. Just rang Anglia, they said they are not allowed to tell us and ring LBL
  2. Alex thats such a shame, I wish it had been Gemini now because it would probably have been the same case for us, and we would have gone and got it and stashed it some where until this was over. Anglia who took our car said it was going to be at some where called dva in Manchester? That ring any bells with any one? Could have been a bluff...
  3. I did wonder what would happen if I found out where my car was being held and went and took it back... "well officer, you told me it was a civil matter....." My car, I've still got the keys, replacement V5 easy to get. What could they do about it? My problem is knowing where they took my car! (not saying I'm going to, I'm being hypothetical!)
  4. Its easy for them to dismiss it as civil as soon as you mention any kind of finance.. Mine are awaiting instructions from TS, so at least they are listening some what. Not enough, but its a start.
  5. I agree Alex, the officials I was speaking to today are as convinced as we are that this is just one huge [problem], but proving it is the problem. If it wasn't for this big blur between criminal and civil we'd be laughing all the way! Will nail my colours to the wall tho, I'm in this for the long haul, no matter what. Log Book Loans, if you are listening? You picked the wrong person this time, I'm coming to get you!!!!
  6. Has any one got the address for the Justice Courts? I'm having problems accessing the website and I really want to pursue this avenue.
  7. I do, but trading standards have them at the moment.
  8. Are any of the terms in the credit agreement or bill of sale unfair, particulary in relation to excessive default charges? Could they be challenged under UTCCR 1999? The charges will be unlawful, don't know about any thing else Is the agreement compliant with CCA 1974? Play particular attention to the interest rate & calculation Don't understand how it would/wouldn't be or what I'd be looking for Was the Bill of Sale presented to you at the same time as the credit agreement? Yes, wasn't explained what it was tho Did the creditor provide you with a copy of the bill of sale at the same time as a copy of the credit agreement? Yes, tho again, we didn't know exactly what meant. Is the bill of sale in the correct format? How would I know? Are it’s terms consistent with the credit agreement? Lots of references on in what manner to keep the car safe but it looks right. Was the bill of sale registered? Ask to see the court seal showing registration How do I check this my self? I've been told it probably isn't. Has a default notice been served and if so, has the period expired? Nope didn't receive one.
  9. 1. Have you has a CCJ at any point on this debt. No 2. Was the loan secured against the car? Unsure, supposedly 3. If the loan was secured against the car, was this as a result of the credit agreement, or a charging order? Bill of sale apparently 4. Did the "enforcement officer" actually provide you with any paperwork. No, only a receipt to say they'd taken the car 5. Have you contacted the loan company to assure yourself that they employed the "enforcement officer" Yes, rang them when they arrived. 6. Were any threats of violence of any kind employed? No 7. Were the police present? No
  10. Only the receipt to say they'd taken it as we wanted come back on damage etc Didn't sign any thing before hand
  11. Car was ours, we bought it with cash roughly 2 years ago. But you've lost me now with all this lol
  12. Great info so far! Action is being taken
  13. Yes I'm already doing this with the halifax, so am I right in thinking its exactly the same procedure with LBL? I occured to me that they have taken my car as payment for (potentially) illegal charges, so if I made a formal demand for my charges back, I can ask for my car (or its value) back too? Trading standards are getting a call back today as they where supposed to be looking in to this yesterday (our case was passed to them by another group whos name escapes me this morning) but didn't get back to us despite its urgent nature. S.A.R will be sent today..
  14. Took out a loan with log book loans 12mths ago for £600, and have been happily paying it off every week, only missed 2 payments the whole time and paid them off immediately by upping the weekly payment to cover it. (which was their suggestion and happily did it, our fault etc) When the loan was set up, it was to pay on a tuesday every week, we get paid on a thursday, we asked the guy at the time if we could change that, he said yes no problem, so we rang and changed it. We got sent a letter every single week, at £20 a time for late payment, every single week, even tho we told them we had to pay on a thursday. And of course the missed payments attracted charges too but thats by the by. We paid off the loan in March (had that in writing) but still had to pay these charges off, so we said ok, was roughly £300. Wasn't happy but we didn't see much choice. We asked for a payments schedule and bank details (because our standing order had ended on the right date and details had gone) and they said yes no problem. No letter arrived. We rang again roughly a week later saying we needed bank details to be told it was too late, we had defaulted on the first payment and it was now in the hands of their debt department (with an extra £100 on top of the current charges for transferring it over) who informed us we had to pay off what we owed at £97 a week. We said that was impossible, we didn't have that sort of money to spare, and said we'd pay £50 a week (bearing in mind, the loan has been paid off at this point, this is purely charges for letters and phone calls (i think, not sure if they charge for phone calls!)) They said no it had to be £97 a week or they'd come and take the car. We said we could only pay £50 a week and requested bank details which they gave. We started paying £50 a week whilst still trying to negotiate with a brick wall. This morning bailiffs (Anglia) knocked on the door, they had clamped the car and wanted £700 on the spot or they where taking the car. No way on this earth did we have that sort of money, nor does friends/family etc So the car was taken away on the back of a truck a few hours later after many phone calls and gnashing of teeth to log book etc. And of course we now have truck fees and storage charges to contend with, and 10 days to pay up. We had no warning, no default notice, nothing. Our last letter just said we had to pay £289 (this was before they added the extra £100 for not making the first payment on the charges payments) dated the 13th of April. The loan was paid in full, they confirmed this in writing (tho can't find the letter now ) this is all charges they made against us in 12mths. We think its been unfairly taken but we really don't know what we can do. Solicitors seem few and far between to help, we are hoping one can help, just waiting on a phone call back (going to be in the morning now). After reading this forum, I've realised that at no point did we realise we where signing a bill of sale (never even heard of one before I searched for Log book loan threads!) and it does feel like its been misrepresented to us big time. We have been taken for a ride big time. I've been reading some scary scary things about this company now, and I wish I knew before hand! Any advise, pointers, legal jargon would be appreciated, I want my car back, or my money back. Either one will do Thanks!
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