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  1. I need advice on car incident, its a bit of a grey area as to who is at fault. I was stationery in a car park and opening the car door to get out when a car nipped in to park beside me right at that moment.The other driver pulled in very quickly, when i had started to open the door it was safe to do so. It ended up with my car door denting the very corner of the other car's door right at the hinge, my car door was also dented at the edge. Lucky in a way, if I had of opened my door a second earlier my car door would have been off. The other owner now expects me to pay in full for their car to be fixed, and whilst it's not into the thousands I'm not sure if I'm at fault whilst the other owner accepts no responsibility. There is damage to both cars, so is it fair I should be out costs of fixing both? Surely the driver has to have due care pulling into a car space too? It's all very unfortunate, but I'd rather not get the insurance involved if I can help it. I have offered to pay half the costs of her car as I will have to pay for mine which I think is more than fair but they want me to pay it in full. Any advice on this would be appreciated.
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