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Everything posted by Caveat_Emptor

  1. Thanks for putting me straight; I had assumed the log book was handed over as surety. So there is no enquiry an intending car buyer can make that would reveal the LBL's existence. I see the problem! Presumably the police would say this is a civil matter.
  2. Am I missing something here? Do some people really buy a car without a registration document (or whatever the log book is called now)? A fool and his money etc...
  3. Further to my previous post, I am happy to report my goods have arrived. I too spoke to someone who blamed Canada for the lack of response to emails to customer service (see above) and the non-confirmation of my online order. This was on November 26th, and she assured me then my order had been dispatched. It finally arrived on December 14th. This person's job was taking orders however, not customer service. I've never got through to customer service on the phone (I think they are just a voicemail machine) but I did send them a polite letter on December 3rd, asking them to confirm dispatch, keeping a copy just to prove I'd done all I could to settle the matter amicably. I was surprised to receive the goods but like everyone here, I regard this outfit as highly iffy and will never order anything from them again.
  4. This company seem to appear every Christmas and take payment for goods in their catalogue or on their website. The first clue you get that all may not be well is the non-confirmation of your online order. Then you find you get no reply to emails to their customer service department, and all you get when you phone them and are put through to their customer services "helpline" is a recorded message saying they are unable to take your call. I'm in the process of waiting till 15 days has elapsed after they debited my card, after which time my card company will (I hope!) reimburse my account on the basis of non-delivery of goods. Anyone in this position needs to be able to show they did all they could to resolve the problem with the company, and so phone them, email them and write to them (catalogue gives their address), keeping notes and copies of everything. Do NOT tell them to cancel the order or you will lose your right to reimbursement from your card company.
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