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  1. Hi Darren, I had simillar problems but it has taken me longer to sort out than your 18 month plan but hopefully my info will help you a bit. 1) how long after I pay off my defaults will this be reflected in my file? if you contact the people/companies that you defaulted on and agree payments make the stipulation that once settled they remove the bad referances from your file, your credit score will then show defaults as settled giving you a positive rather than a negative. 2) I am guessing I should get on the electoral roll when I get back in the area we plan to buy? Although being on the electoral roll does not affect your credit score (I only know this by regular checking of my own and after not being on the registar for over 20 years and subsequantly applying for it it did not effect my score by even 1 point) some of the major lenders will only deal with you if you are on the electoral roll, so yes it is prudent that as soon as you are settled, even if its only temporary get yourself on the electoral roll. 3) will my credit score remain low until I successfully secure credit i.e a credit card or store card? No by settling issue 1 above should help improve your score my advice would be not to apply for credit/store cards unless you really want one and can afford it. I thought along the same line as you and get myself a small loan (which is paid back now) a few years back but it didn't really help my overall score, as soon as you start applying for cards etc. your score starts going down anyway. I think that if you have shown taht you have cleared of your old debts and have ££££'s behind you it shows someone how has matured and is financialy matured also, making people want to deal with you. 4) am I giving myself enough time to have the file improved before we come home in May? Your file changes month by month, obviously you are keeping track of it now, and I presume you will keep monitoring it? So long as your debts are being cleared you file will be constantly improving, also look at answer 3 about maturity its not only about having a good history its about how you put yourself accross to the lenders. 5) should I try to save more to improve my chances of securing a mortgage (by borrowing less) It never hurts, but don't sacrifice your life for savings you still have to live a little Good luck Regards, G
  2. Hi Newto, I had the same thing with mine, but I'm unsure on the legalities. I'm hoping that the loan has been mis-sold (giving me some sort of leaverage) as ex has left me with a lot of her mess to sort out and the only thing I have remaining now to deal with is the secured loan. Regards G
  3. Thank you Cups. I did recieve a letter from TBI last week, stating that if I still didn't make restitution they where going to refer my case back to BCT's solicitors for them to persue me in court. My reply was curt to say the least. I have informed TBI that should they continue to "harass" me I will have no other recourse but to seek legal representation. I also informed them that I would relish the chance to be able to face BCT in court. I await BCT's response with eager anticipation. The anoying thing for me is that the whole thing was subject to a Voluntary Termination based on BCT's own recommendation. I am lead to believe that because they took so long to collect the vehicle they where expecting me to have made payments on the vehicle even though it was in a secure lock up awaiting collection by them. Regards, G
  4. I have general quiry. Can a Joint loan be secured on a property and issued to a couple when only 1 of said couple is named as owning the property? Regards, G (Title should say Info ~ my typing gets worse!)
  5. Update :- It has taken the court a Month to get back to me. However it was worth the wait! As the case is so old they don't have it on file anymore, the only ref: they had was to the original solicitors who submitted the claim for the CCJ & CO and advised me to contact them for any info I required. They did also inform me that as the property that the CO was placed upon is now sold the original CO is null and void. If BCT wish to persue me for monies they deem are due then they will have to apply for another CO. But as the case originated in 2004 it has now become Statuate Barred. So it seems that although the CCJ & CO where issued, even though there was a Volutary Termination agreement in place, in my opinion incorectly I have won the battle against BCT & TBI by defaut. Thanks for everyones input into this matter and hopefully it will give other people inspiration to fight against injustice. Kind regards, G
  6. Update :- I have spoken with the court and they have advised me to email all the info I have through and they will get back to me regarding the Judgements. Regards, G
  7. I've set aside some me time next week to visit the Courts and see what i can find out, I'll keep you posted regarding the out come of said. Regards, G
  8. Documents as promised (woot woow 20 posts) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Regards, G
  9. Anney, I'll have to bow out through lake of knowledge and hopefully someone with more substantial knowledge can advise you in a more productive way than I could. Kind regards, G
  10. Hi welcome! It all depends upon how the car was sold, if it was listed a running etc etc, then obviously it's not fit for purpose, and as such you should be able to claim any expense that you have also incurred. One such item to look at would be the following. "sale of goods act 1979" which one part of said is Fit for purpose AND last a reasonable length of Time. Regards, G
  11. First thing is don't panic. Have you paid more than 50% of the original finance agreement? If you have and; 1) you are not in arrears 2) the vehicle is still in reasonable condition Then contact Black Horse asking to set up a Voluntary Termination. Regards, G
  12. /\ Ridiculous O'clock I no all about! I am not under any pressure so take as long as you need Kind regards, G
  13. Hi, I have in front of me a copy of BCT's usual T & C's and under the section entitled "Termination : Your Rights" the last part states "If you have already paid at least this amount (figure previously given @ 50% of total) plus any overdue instalments, you will not have to pay any more, provided you have taken reasonable care of the goods" What you will have to do is agree with BCT what is "reasonable care". To me normal wear & tear should cover the odd dinge in a panel etc. Regarding tyres, so long as they are legal for driving on the road you should not have to change them. however if they are illegal you will need to change them. Regards, G
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