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  1. Here's a shocker. Wonga is a big funder of the tories. Methinks a few secret handshakes went on with this one. One rule for you, one for them. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/top-tory-funder-runs-highcost-loans-company-8656356.html
  2. Hi all - nope, still nothing from RLP. Three months now. I'm guessing that the "evidence" from cctv was not conclusive. That, and all the bad press about RLP.
  3. Hi thanks for that! There is a bit on as I type on BBC1 on Inside Out about people being accused of shoplifting. Oh and, still no notice from RLP!! It's been 2 months now.
  4. Hello Jactac I have not yet received any letter from RLP but it may still be early days. Don't beat yourself up about it as we all have these moments of temptation because we are all struggling. It does make you feel horrible about yourself though. Kind of like when someone has burgled you, you feel a bit dirty, only you have done it to yourself! (speaking for myself). I guess the stores can do whatever they like when it comes to dealing with these situations. We are in the wrong in their eyes, even though no police were called so we have not technically committed a crime, they are judge and jury when it comes to civil cases and they have you by the short and curlies. I think it is probably up to the store manager as to how far he/she will take the matter. In my case, I stayed calm, but did not admit liablity, and as I have depression, must have looked a sorry sight anyway so maybe the manager decided not to inform RLP. Still early days. Someone must have been informed though due to me receiving that weird debt write-off call shortly after, and if so, someone found my mobile number (I did not give them the number). I can't prove the 2 are connected, but seems a weird coincidence. I will probably fight it if I get the letter, and if I go on their Dastardly Database, whether or not I have paid or admitted liability, well, so be it. I will worry about it later. Anyway, the world keeps turning, life goes on, and we learn our lesson and move on! (having a calm day, tomorrow I might not be so laid back!) Will keep waiting for "The Letter". Take care and Happy New Year!
  5. Rebel, thanks for the reply (I worded my last post in a confusing way) but I was referring to RLP's data issues (or the food retailer's), not referring to this site. I gave no phone number to the food retailer, and yet I get a marketing call from a debt management org. After reading some other threads on here to do with RLP and their Database of Doom, it might be that they have passed my info onto credit ref agencies, which are then passed on to debt management companies. I'm trying to work out the data trail here. Everything is connected up these days and somehow, my phone number was obtained by this company. I have never ever recieved a call like this on my mobile. They must have got my number from my name. I hope this is just coincidence.
  6. Update - nothing yet from RLP (probably still early days), but something strange happened earlier this evening. I had a call from a private number on my mobile. I don't usually pick up witheld numbers, but for some reason, I did this time. I said "hello" a couple of times, and then this pre-recorded message suddenly came on. It was about how to deal with debt and how to write off any debts you have. I hope this is just coincidence, as I didn't give any phone number to the food retailer on the occasion that is the topic of this thread. If it isn't coincidence, I think there are confidentiality issues with data here.
  7. Yes, I know it was not the way to deal with it thank you eyeinthesky. I removed the more revealing post that I made on another thread because of High Horse Hammy putting in his 2 pence worth on his soapbox of virtue. I will not do it again, and if I ever feel aggrieved, I will try to deal with it by talking to management (which I did at the time of the tenner being left in the change slot but the manager was unavailable, and the woman I dealt with very hostile). I will post more on here when I recieve the "invoice". I guess it will be delayed because of the weather. I do think there should be deterrents to theft, but there also should be some redress for people when they have to account for every penny, and stores do not play fair. The situation is only going to get worse I think. But thanks for that info.
  8. Ah the black/white world according to Hammy. You know, I didn't have to come on here and say what I said. I am not proud of what I did. You don't know all of the circumstances and I am not going to state them on here. I guess you have never told a lie or done anything dishonest, when you have felt your back has been up against the wall, have you? Never felt you had to tell a lie or do anything dishonest? And I have good reason to believe the girl on the tills DID take the tenner. Anyway, needless to say, I will not ever do anything like that again, it's not worth it. The point I was trying to make was that many times, people do not steal because they are just being greedy and selfish. People are human, make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. I hope you don't fall down off your high horse as it would be quite a fall.
  9. The main thing I am worried about is their cctv evidence. I have read thru more stickies, and noted the one about RLP notices and other documents that other posters on here have signed. I didn't sign anything, I was only given a copy of an RLP notice with my name and address on it that the store manager had written on it. I didn't sign it or anything else. Hmmmm.
  10. thanks dx100- I have looked at many of the stickys but will read again. What is an lod? I'm guess it's "letter of ???" denial? ps - as I have revealed as much as I dare on a public forum, I would have to progress this query privately in order not to implicate myself. If any of the forum expert team would be willing to undertake private messaging, I would be grateful. Otherwise I will try to continue in here.
  11. Thanks rebel. Judging by the extensive info on here, I can probably predict they will send me an "invoice" (of whatever amount) with a standard-worded letter. It's what I should do after I recieve it that I'm not sure about.
  12. Thanks Scarlet P. I have been getting responses from the legal help orgs I contacted - hit a brick wall. All I want is advice in writing a letter if I decide that's what I'm going to do. I have been reading more threads on here, and someone said that the CAB is not that good. I can't get up there anyway due to being snowed in. Just to reiterate, the fact that the police were not called means that this is not a crime, despite the fact that the retailer says they have cctv evidence to prove it is? And, knowing my luck, I would be one of the cases taken to court. I am not sure i have the nerves of steel required to ignore increasingly scary letters, but I guess that's what they hope that vulnerable people will feel. Getting to the point where i think I will just reply with my circumstances and ask them to tell the retailer I can't pay, and it will be dropped. I guess this is admitting liability, but as someone said, I will go on the Database of Doom whatever I do.
  13. Thankyou ScarletP and dx100. I have read and re-read info on the CAB website and on this site, and the CAB advises that you can ignore the letters from RLP, however, you are risking their client (the retailer) taking you to court. The retailer has cctv evidence, which IMO is not conclusive, however, I cannot see what they have seen. I edited my original thread opener as I read on here that it is not advisable to give many details on a public forum which is accessed by RLP. Are you 100% certain that, as the police were not called, that there are no grounds for RLP to invoice me? I am not so sure, as the CAB says that the retailer can resurrect a case against you for a long time after if RLP advise them that the invoicee has not paid . I'm very confused. After calling a couple of local CAB's (and being advised that they are seriously understaffed), I may try to get up there tomorrow early and wait in the drop-in queue to get an initial assessment. You cannot get a proper appt until they have assessed you. I am also snowed in at the moment. I have also called a legal helpline who advised me that I would need to speak to someone who could help me with letters to RLP (this would be free from this particular org). ScarletP - You are absoutely certain about your last comment?
  14. Hi no the police were not called. However, the female member of staff searched my handbag and more or less accused me of stealing something she found that I'd paid for a week or so ago, which I protested. I gave my name and address, and date of birth to the manager, which I gather I probably didn't need to do, however, I did as I didn't want them to call the police. I remained calm the whole time. (Whilst internally stressed to the max). ps - they also took my loyalty card and key fob and banned me from all stores for one year.
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