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  1. Hi Everyone, This is my first post here. I have gone through a lot of threads and have been reading up on a lot of things to get a better understanding of where i stand. I will now try to tell my whole story of how it all started and what situation i am in right now... Around August last year, i was contacted by "TheMoneygroup(.co.uk)". They asked me about all my debts and explained their services to me i.e how they can help me by consolidating all my debts into one payment and freeze the interest. I wasnt too desperate for a DMP but MG managed to talk me into signing up for their DMP. I forwarded all my details to them and i was told that "I have NOTHING to worry about now as EVERYTHING will be taken care of by MoneyGroup". After hearing that i was relaxed and thinking that interest will be frozen and my debt will be cleared off quickly, i was quite happy. I had the following debts: BarclaysBank - £1500 Capital One - £2000 BarclayCard - £450 The first call was THE only call that actually sounded promising, after this it all started going down hill. When MG first spoke to me, they mentioned that there will be a fee for their service but i dont have to pay it lumpsum, they will take a portion of my monthly payment towards their fee. So, for the first 3 months, i didnt get any calls from anyone and i was thinking that everything is going good. It was in the 4th month it all started. I started getting calls from my banks saying that they havent received any payments from me. When i informed them that MG are managing my finance now, they said that they havent heard anything from MG. I contacted MG to find out whats going on and was not happy with what i have just been told. MG said that they have been using ALL of my first 3 months payment towards their fee so nothing has been paid to the creditors, whereas i was told that only portion of my monthly payment will be used towards their fee NOT ALL OF IT. When i asked them why this has happened, they said it should have been explained to you, this is how we do it. I said to them that i was told that only "portion" of my monthly payment will be used towards it not all of it, but they wouldnt listen to me. I then asked them about the penalties built over the last 3 months as no payments was made to creditors, they said we cant do anything about that. I got really frustrated here but got no where with my frustration. After all these 3 months of misery with MG and MG telling me that its all being sorted and i have nothing to worry and to stay calm. I get a call from Harrington Brooks. The person from Harrington Brooks introduced himself and his company to me and said that we are looking after your DMP and we will get the ball rolling now.... I was flabbergasted here thinking what the hell is going on WHO ARE YOU! and why didnt anyone tell me about DMP bouncing from one company to another. I got same reply from HB saying that it shouldve been explained to me but nobody ever did nor could they trace any recorded calls to prove it to me. After a very long argument with HB, i decided to carry on with HB as i had already gotten myself into mess with all my creditors and was worried to take things back in my own hands. So i decided to give them a chance...which was a mistake i will regret for the rest of my life, as my whole year with them has been the worst year of my life. From October 2010 util now....its been nothing but everyday mental torture and harrasments from my creditors. I demanded explaination for not being able to negotiate with my creditors and why is it taking so long and the only reply i would get from HB was " they are not replying to us, we have sent them all the letters" this statement made me even more sick then "weapons of mass destruction" statement. Every time i call them and inform them about my bank harrasing me they just say that we will get our liason team to contact them right away, and nothing will happen again for months. After about 7 months of this mental torture, it got even worst. My creditors started to threaten me yet when i contact HB about this, they are STILL F'IN saying the SAME THING!!! "We have sent them all the letters but they are not respoding"......I felt like doing suicide here especially when i received statements from my creditors showing that they have added extra £500+ as penalties and charges, HB said they cant do anything about these charges. For almost 8 months, nobody at HB would let me speak to their manager, I simply get told that i cant speak to a manager. At one point after shouting over the phone, someone said that they will get the manager to give me a call...but i got no call from anyone. I could NEVER get hold of the person i spoke to before. I get told that the person i spoke to before is either sick, on other phone OR EVEN LEFT THE COMPANY!. So every time a new person would pick up the phone and i would have to shout down the phone to explain my whole situation. around 3 months ago, I took the brave decision to ditch HB. So, i called them up to say that i no longer require this mental torture service from you for which i am also paying. After this, i finally managed to get hold of a manager. I explained everything to her that i been through and all she could do was apologize on their behalf and said that she will look into this matter herself. After one fricking whole year of bull**** and lies from different people at HB who kept bouncing me between themselves and not let me speak to manager, i was TINY BIT relaxed that someone is ACTUALLY going to do something about my account. For the whole year NO ONE from HB WOULD EVER contact me to update me of my situation even at my desperate request to keep me updated. i had to call them EVERY TIME!. This manager kept me updated through emails and she even called. At this point i was thinking i shouldve threaten to leave them a lot earlier. The problem now is things have gotten really out of hand. The manager has STILL not provided me ANY documents to show my account status. I have been shouting over the phone for whole year to provide me with SOME SORT OF DOCUMENT that AT LEAST shows you guys are managing my finances BUT NOTHING!!. This manager still hasnt provided me with any documentation. The only thing that she sent me was a screenshot of all the statements which were pretty much useless as i could not use these screenshots to prove anything to my creditors. I am in real trouble now. Apparently Barclaysbank said that they havent received a single penny from me, hence they have passed my details onto a debt collection company called RMA. I called HB again and spoke to the manager, she said that she will now be sending letters to RMA and contact them. To me, it seems like another bull****. RMA gave me 7 days to respond to them but i was told not to by HB. NOW, RMA sent me a postcard saying that they will be contacting/visiting me this Wednesday....I got really worried as to me this sounds like RMA will be knocking at my door to demand the money and not sure what they will do if i dont pay them. I called HB again and they are saying that I have to wait FRICKIN 28days!!! for RMA to repond as thats how long they have to respond to HBs letters. BUT the sunami wave is right at my door now...HB are not helping me anymore... Someone please tell me what to do i have been crying all night over this mess. I was managing my debts just fine but made a choice of going with MG/HB and allow them to ruin my life....My debt has increased by £2000 because of all the penalties and in grave danger now. HB...year down the line....are still giving me same old bull****. What am i going to do when this guy knocks at my door...someone please help i beg you.... Thankyou so much
  2. Hi Everyone, I have just received 2 PCNs for stopping at 2 places on the SAME street for around 5mins, total of £200 for each ticket. Both spots litterally at few yards on same street. I never left the car, but my real concern is, there are no signs along that road which tells you about the restrictions active at that spot, nor are there any survaillance CCTV signs, although they did had double yellow lines along it. For now all i would like to know if there is a requirements for the signs to be posted to issue a PCN and what are my chances of fighting back with that. I will give more details and would like to ask for further help depending on your answer to this. Thankyou!
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