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  1. I often read the posts on CAG but have never bothered to respond or contribute to any until i read this rubbish ! In case you wonder, i dont work for CCCS or any other advice provider but i know a few families who have benefited from charities like these. I have a friend who used to volunteer at the CAB and she explained how this DMP works. Apparently CAB are unable to offer this service. CCCS can not offer DMP where you are unable to pay more than £5 off each debt. This is because they dont charge whingers like you, they ask the people you owe money to, to contribute towards their costs. The credit industry wont pay if the payment is less than a fiver. I am also told that even though the fiver is the minimum they can pay, if the DMP takes an unreasonable amount of time to pay the debts back they will suggest alternative solutions. What's wrong with being asked to pay your debts back ? I have to pay mine and i accepted that when i took the credit. People like you, using loopholes to avoid paying the debt back make me sick. I have read the recent case law of HSBC v Carey, i suggest you do so as well. You might then understand why the parasites like Basil Rankine ( Rankine v Amex) provoked the judiciary into taking the stand that they have. For the record, i think the decision by the courts in the excessive bank costs case was wrong and again, provoked by the likes of people like you, people who dont want to pay what they owe. All that happens is the rest of society end up paying more because of the few that can pay but wont pay. Debt collection agencies then treat everyone as a wont pay rather than a cant pay. I lost my job last year and for the first three months i was hounded by these so called creditors. I was not aware of CCCS then but I am now. Thankfully, i did make an arrangement to pay, i didnt cry or say show me the agreement i signed to try and avoid paying, i just did the decent thing, i paid what i could afford. I am back in a job and back up to date with things. Life is hard mate, i have had to change where i shop, what i buy and i dont go out as much more, i am earning a lot less than i used to. That was the choice i made to clear my debts. I cant go bankrupt and i am not eligible for a DRO. If you are so convinced the debt is unenforceable, pop into your local CAB and they will help you fill in some forms to get a court hearing. Let the court then rule whether the debt should be written off or not. Oh !!! yes, you will have to pay for this as well................ just like the rest of us. CCCS and the other agencies who dont charge are trying to help those in society who have financial difficulty. Good for them and even better if they say to people like you that you should pay what you owe. Dont whinge and cry when someone tells you something you dont like...... do something about it like making a stand in court, not a gutless shout hidden on a website.
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