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  1. thanks for the heads up theyy say they are paying me by way of bacs to my bank do i belive them i dont know what to belive any i wont pay them now untill they pay me
  2. thanks for the info chaps made phonecall to them yesterday and just got fobbed off again as when i was getting the refund all they could say was they have a backlog so still waiting also they say i have a new account but i have had no paper work on this yet nor have i signed a new aggreement with then what do u think i should do now
  3. hi guys,, new on here so can any one understand this having had one loan 4 a car than turned into 7 years of hell and still in £9000 debt with this joke of a firm got letter last month to say there are going to give me back 6000 in ppi ,, ithink great but wait first they going to take some of it for arrears where i was off work and did not meet payments because the ppi i had did not cover me but i still was getting charged intrest anyway had phone call two weeks ago to say arrears had been paid but still in arrears ,,so i phoned :|them back wanting to know where the rest of the money is to which i was told i had to wait 30 days from the 2nd november so am still waiting for the refund will i get the money i am owed or is this a con ]
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