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  1. Why legal advice when the case is finished? A clear explaination is all that's required re the above.
  2. No they don't which is why it's all so unclear!
  3. Is there anyone I can contact to find out whether bye-law or Regulation of Railways Act 1889 offences are recordable, non-recordable. Whether one has a criminal record and how long this stays with you. Spent and unspent convictions. Some people say that there is no criminal record. Others differ. Is there a definitive guide to this? Will the court be able to answer my questions?
  4. How does one know if they have a criminal record? If the offence is recordable or non recordable. The letter from the court says 'notice of fine and collection order' but no mention of a record.
  5. Thanks Wriggler7. I am starting to think you are on my wavelength. With the greatest of respect, I originally thought the mods on this forum were seasoned prosecutors, or ex ticket inspectors, hence all the good advice given. So what you are saying is that society is to blame, and not the railway companies. Then I believe that the railway companies have taken this stance as society allows them to do so. Then comes the question - what sort of person or people are creating this society and why is no one batting an eyelid? A bit off the point and going forward, how does one ask for the automated announcements (on every station platform) to be switched off? Do we really need to be told (twice) about a fast approaching train? (which on my line is every minute). In the 'old' days, a yellow line was sufficient. Now there are yellow lines painted on the 'slow' tracks as well. Or surfaces are slippery because we've had 30 minutes of rain. Another one of society's ills? Health and Safety gone mad?
  6. I was basing my savings on Wriggler7's comment: "people who ignore the matter completely are normally fined £350.00" Unfortunately, I'm not an accountant!
  7. I wrote a letter to FCC. Also a letter to the court. Both stating that it was a first offence and won't be repeated. I also sent back my means form. So it appears I have saved £49. My main gripe is that I have acknowledged I have done wrong, but wasn't given an opportunity to 'rectify' the 'mistake'. Not by the inspector, FCC, or the courts. Just a big fine. And the people who persistantly travel without a ticket and get fined £20 - What's the difference. Albeit, they could get caught by the same inspector, but most I see just get the £20 fine. So my mistake of using a pre paid ticket is deemed 15 times more serious?? What a crazy world we now live in. This is definitely a case where the punishment does not fit the 'crime'.
  8. Thanks for all your help and Wriggler7. Glad it's over! Just a final point. How do the TOC's get away with charging such high fines? I would get a much lower fine if I were to go and cause disturbance on the streets which ended up in a night in a cell. Maybe all the reality police programmes on TV just show how lenient our police force really is. I would understand high fines for persistant offenders. But I have made one error. And I got penalised heavily for it. What happened to a warning first? Or judging by the extortionate fares and other peoples posts, it could be that FCC are greedy and are after every penny they can get. Add this to the consistant poor service levels and annoying automated platform announcements - or none at all when you actually need them, I dislike travelling on my line with a passion. Unfortunately, I don't have a choice.
  9. My court case was last Friday. I have received letters today from the court detailing the following offences: 1)Travel on railway without paying fare. Fine £65 , Victim Sur £15 , Costs £80 , total £160 2)Transfer/receive unused/partly used ticket - railway bye-law. Fine £135 , Comp £6.30 , total £141.30 Once paid, can I assume this is the end of the matter? I have heard nothing more from First Capital Connect. I assume they let the courts handle everything.
  10. I believe the £110 and £20 are both court costs as one is for the charge of receiving a ticket with intent and the other to do with not paying the fare. I think I will write a letter to the court along with a guilty plea. Fingers crossed and hope for the best. The fare was £6.30 which I did pay afterwards.
  11. Today I have received a date for my magistrates court hearing. I have filled out the form saying I will plead guilty by post. They say if I am found guilty court charges of £110 and £20 will be requested. Is this as well as a fine? On the mitigation form, do I write similar comments to the letter I wrote to First Capital Connect explaining how sorry I am? I am assuming by your previous comments, that I can choose whether to attend or not attend court without either affecting the decision. I have also filled out the form regarding my outgoings and earnings.
  12. Are you serious!?! About the moving abroad bit. I have thought that many times, that if I didn't have my family and friends here, I'd be off like a shot! Thanks again Wriggler7. You've been a real help!
  13. Thank you very much for your time. I will let you now how it progresses.
  14. That makes sense! Sounds like a pretty poor defence when you put it like that. You recommend attending court. Does that mean there is an option to attend or not? Apologies for the 1000 questions. This is all new to me. I was hoping that FCC could settle this before court. As you mention, I am extremely sorry and will never repeat this. I could go on about 'sob stories' about finances etc, but I think this would sound corny as I have committed an offence and any 'reasons for doing it' could be looked at as irrelevant. Another corny comment is that I have punished myself over this daily due to my nature. As mentioned before, I would never have done this if I knew what I know now.
  15. In your experience, what would be the most likely outcome if I pleaded guilty? I was co-operative with the ticket inspector and did not lie about anything. If I mention that the card was paid for by my girlfriend, and because she was not using it that day, in effect, they have lost nothing, will this help?
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