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  1. Hi i don't know if this helps but for future reference ring your local MP and go and see them. Inland Revenue tried to claim over £2,000 off me last year when it was their error and no matter how many times i appealed they came to the same decision that i did owe them the money it went on for over year and in the end i rang my Local MP and went to see her and she was great and gave her all my correspondence with the Inland Revenue and she said she could help. They have a telephone hotline to the Inland Revenue so once they call the Inland Revenue they have to deal with it within 7 days. My case was dealt with in under a week with a letter admitting it was there fault and a cheque refunding me all the money that they had taken off me for the overpayment. It is worth a try if anyone else is in the same situation.
  2. i totally agree with you that is my next step. I have spoken to my local Trading Standards and the lady i have been dealing with is very interested in what Black Horse are doing and she asked to have all correspondence with Black Horse sent to her so she can look into it as well (which is good news i hope). it is just a thought and i don't know if they can help but i am going to write to the Financial Services Authority as well. I only bought the car from the dealer as i thought it was a HP agreement i would have gone to the bank for a personal loan if that is what i wanted and been spared all this hassle. The dealership completely mis-lead me into thinking it was a HP agreement. I know they say you should read the agreement properly but what naive consumber desperate for a car knows the difference from a HP agremeent and the agreements Black Horse are churning out to consumers they are telling them the car is registered on HP so you think it is a HP agreement but later on they are telling you it is a personal loan agreement it is totally underhand way of doing business in my opinion. I am just glad i have found somebody else in the situation as me.
  3. Hi It is possible to get the car removed from the HPI register i have just had a letter from Black Horse's solicitors this morning telling me that they have instructed Black Horse to remove it from the HPI register. I wrote to Black Horse last week threatening to report them to the Finance and Leasing Association for misuse of the HPI register as the agreement can not be both a personal loan and HPI and it has been removed today. I am in the position where they served County Court papers on me so i filed a defensive that as it was registered on the HPI register it must be HP so therefore i could give the car back and low and behold a week later the car is removed from the register. it is worth writing to Black Horse and threatning them because they are misusing the HPI register. i hope this helps you a little bit. good luck.
  4. Hi It looks like they have passed the file back to Black Horse who have then proceeded to serve me with County Court papers i need to fill in the papers and send them back as soon as poss but do you think i should defend all or part of the claim due to the fact that 1. At least £1,250 of the claim is made of of late payment charges of £100 a time over the last year or so 2. The whole problem has arose as it is a personal loan with the car registered on HPI register so i can't sell it to pay the loan off.
  5. help needed. Sorry so long but is a long winded saga. 3 years ago i bought a car from a dealer on finance arranged by Black Horse. (which i thought was a Hire purchase agreement). Last year the engine blew up on the car and it was going to cost £1300 to fix i continued paying the monthly instalments with Black Horse for a few months but i had to give up my job because i couldn't get to work with out a car due to location. I called Black Horse and explained that i couldn't continue paying the amount i had because i had no job and no car the lady i spoke to said she would send out a payment book and i could pay a token sum a week which i agreed to do. No payment book came, just a phone call from a company called Close Assistance who said that Black Horse had passed the file on to them and demanded that i pay the arrears of £1000 (most of this was from them putting a £100 charge on my account every month for non or late payment as well) there and then or somebody needed to come to the house to arrange a payment plan. I didn't know who this company was and I said that i wasn't going to agree anything until i spoke Black Horse or had written confirmation of this. I was told that Black Horse would not speak to me and if i wouldn't agree to somebody from their company coming to my home then i would have to meet them in a pub or a cafe. After the bloke told me this I refused to deal with them I didn't think this was the right way for a company to behave! Is this a legal way to conduct business? It took a further 5 days before I had confirmation by way of a letter confirming that my file had been passed to them. My point is that now the car is fixed i can't sell it because it is not on HP it is a personal loan but with the car registered on the HP register. I asked the lady from Black Horse if they wanted to repossess the car and she said they didn't because it was a personal loan agreement! So I am stuck in catch 22, I can not sell the car to pay of the debt because it is registered on HP but they do not want it back either. I have now received County Court papers wanted the full amount owed and I don't know whether to agree to pay or dispute all or part of their claim for their money due to the fact that about £1000 of the claim is for a penalty charge of £100 for late or non payments every month and the fact that it is a personal loan agremeent and HP registered (something i might add is not mentioned or explained to you when you buy the car you just think it is a HP agreement). Can anyone help??
  6. Hi i am after some advice. My car is being held to ransom by a garage. The story goes ...... engine in my car blew up and it needed an engine. my next door neighbour suggested the garage he went to so we called him and he said that it would cost around £600 to take out the old engine and fit and supply a new engine so we thought that was a fair price. 2 days later we get a call saying that he has took out the engine (we didn't acutually agree for him to take out the engine to start with but he went ahead anyway.) and the price was going to be £1200 instead as it was a different sort of engine than he originally thought. we said could he hang fire until we had saved some more money up to get it fixed the next thing i know he wants the car moved cos it is in his way which we arranged to do but he said he will not allow the car to leave the garage until we pay him £200 for him removing the engine. I thought this was a bit excessive as he told us it only took him 40 mins to do the job but he said he is not budging on the price and he is going to a solictor and we cannot have the car back. any advice please would be great.
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