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Everything posted by leighslane

  1. I have had a problem with the Norfolk and Norwich hospital, in brief I had pains in my chest and couldn't breathe and pain in my left arm and went to the A&E on Tuesday the 8th may in the evening I was left for 6 hours and was told nothing was wrong to go home and take paracetamol, myself and my wife argued that I was in pain and couldn't breathe, I had a chest X-ray and a blood test and was still told nothing wrong so I went home, I had the same pain on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th but didn't bother going back to A&E, on Friday 11th in the morning I was at work and had worse pain in my chest and couldn't breathe, and arm was numb, we didn't want to go back to the A&E I went to the walk in centre at Rouen Rd, Norwich, they did an ecg and blood tests and told me something was wrong and wrote a letter with the results of the ecg to take to the A&E at Norfolk and Norwich hospital urgently, I went to A&E again and gave the letter in at reception I was seen straight away and after another ecg and more blood tests was still told nothing was wrong, again my wife argued and asked had they seen the letter from the walk in centre the junior Dr said he had not, when he looked at the letter and my ecg Results from the Walk in Centre his attitude was completely different he thanked us for arguing our case and telling him about the letter and I was rushed straight on the ward and operated on the next day, I had had a heart attack my arteries were blocked and severely damaged the main artery at the front of my heart, I had to have two balloon stents put in my chest my left arm is still numb and giving me lots of pain, my wife had to argue and fight to get me seen, I am obviously very angry about this. I had previous heart problems and told them in A&E on Tuesday the 8th May that in 2013 I had a heart attack and had to go in hospital and have two jump starts to get my heart back in rhythm, I was put on statins Avorvastatin, and blood pressure tablets (Perindopril, Bisoprolol, Amlopodine , for life, and have to be seen every three months no one took any notice, I said to the doctor that I am self employed I don't need a sick note or a claim I just want to feel better, He said sarcastically there's nothing wrong I know it's not what you want to hear but go home and take paracetamol
  2. 1 Date of the infringement.( 05/07/18 ) 2 Date on the NTK [24/07/18] 3 Date received ( 27/07/18 ) 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [no] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? ( no ) 6 Have you appealed? {no] 7 Who is the parking company? ( Park with Ease ) 8. Where exactly [Whitlingham Country Park, Norwich, Norfolk ] For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC A member of my family who is foreign, drove into Whitlingham Country Park in Norfolk stopped for 20 minutes to see what boating facilities there were then left, my family member drove out through the entrance by mistake, we are now incurring charges and threatening court letters. Any advice would be gratefully received
  3. Hi, I'm Steve I have just joined CAG and would like to introduce myself.
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