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  1. if i manage to get the money back from them via natwest then I'll be happy. Need it for the rent to the mother. ta anyway
  2. when you get texts and emails from people saying you ahve been accepted for a loan, even when you haven't applied, that's basically them passing details over. shoddy business, stay away
  3. I had a loan with these guys, plus others. Stupidly, I borrowed more than I could afford to pay back, even before interest. I had to take out an IVA and changed my bank details, and my bank. They were then passed my details from one of the other companies I once applied to, and managed to take £560 out of my account, despite me only owing them £250. They basically cleaned me out until Ihad nothing left, despite me being on an IVA and an agreement being in place for repayments with them. I contacted Natwest, the debit card dispute team, who said they will be able to get my money back providing I can confirm that I have an IVA, needing proof from them. I have sent it off, and am awaiting their reply. Crooks,****, simples
  4. managed to get my refund after writing another letter. Hilariously the cheque from them was sitting on my hallway floor while was accidently, once again hung up on by their refunds team after a 40 minute wait. Writing in is the best policy. By rights, according to the office of fair trading, they have to issue you a refund if they haven't got you a loan within 6 months. This was 8 months after they took my money. Lesson learned, never again
  5. was apologised to and told i would receive a refund in the next 3 days, I'm not sure what the next 3 days counts as because its now been 3 months. I love the way you phone the complaints team, always number 30 in the queue, that goes down quickly enough to number 5, then you remain at number 5 for ages, then 4, dont get me started on the amount of minutes i spent at number 2
  6. Getting to the stage where 'm going to go down with a clown mask and a gun, I'm sure i'll get the £59 back plus £2 interest for stress caused. Phoned em up, got the rates in which THEY said THEY would charge me for having a loan with THEM, told them wasn't paying a penny to them until Ihad the £2000 in my bank, they said "of course, we wouldn't do that unless we had your full permission". Next day £59 cam out (which stopped me getting Fifa 11, hence the anger). Phoned them back, no response. Never been involved with cowboys, thought they died out years ago, but it appears they are going strong, as are the pirates from Somalia
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