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Everything posted by alessia1989

  1. Ah thank u...i feel a little more reasurred now lol. I have heard the same as well that its more on them, and nothing he has done. Its no issue with them doing it and i understand they have to do these things...just very fustrating as we need the money and this is holding it back! I hope that it is a little before the 15th it would be amazing as could really use it before baby comes thanks for ur reply and help
  2. Hi all, im looking for a bit of advice. My partner is self employed (as of 2011) and this was the first year he had to do his tax etc. He hired a accountent and he done all the work. It got worked out that he was owed just over £1000. His accountent sent it all of just after april 6th, he told my other half it would take about 2 weeks. 2 weeks went past and we heard nothing. i had been reading that HMRC are kind of slow so got my other half to call them up. They said it would be a week or so. At the beginning of may my other half called back his accountent and the accountent called HMRC they said it would be ANOTHER 2 weeks and it would be posted to him and then the accountent would transfer the money to my other half. So this all started in the new tax year this April and we are now at the end of May and still NOTHING. i got my other half to call HMRC today and they have said that his claim has been seletced at random to go through security checks. My question is how long is this going to take? They have told us it will be with my OH no later than 15th june...but after everything that has happened and being pushed from pilla to post im not sure if i believe them. We have our third baby due in 4 days so we quite badly need this money so my OH can take some time off work to spend with us. Any help would be very much welcomed! Many thanks Alessia p.s i hope this makes sense!!
  3. Hi all, My partner has recently come self-employed. He works for a electrical company but he works for them as self employed. He will be getting £12.45 an hour. My worry is im not sure where we stand with tax credits and housing benefits. My rent is £820 a month and what my partner will clear and paying all the bills i worry we wont be able to cope. We have 2 children aswell. Will we be entilied to housing benefit? As i said this has only happened in the last few days so we have no proof of what he is earning etc. Any help will be a great help! many thanks alessia xx
  4. hi all, im wondering if you could me. i recieve higher rate dla and my partner recieves carees allowence for me. he got a letter today saying 'thank you for contacting us on the 27/4/2011 regarding alessia claim's' it went on to say that they would look at the information and it could take 11 weeks for them to make a decicion. im really confused my partner swears blind me didnt call them but then why has he got thus letter? i really thought he has made a complaint about me... any ideas? thank u
  5. Hi they gave me all evidence they had. I explained each one. 1) was a bank statment that is my bf and is addressed to my house- i explained the reason i let him do this is beacuse he doesnt use this account as in he gets no money in that account he pays of an overdraft and didnt want his parents to see he was in a lot of debt- stupid i know but didnt think it be a problem. As i said he doesnt use that account. 2) they had my bank statments 3) something from nhs... was a bit confused about this and thought it could be coz he is down as my carer on my DLA. That was all the evedance they had. I gave in some of my evedance like his p60 which is addressed to his house his car details in his house, two bank statments which are addressed to his house. I felt interview was ok and explained myself well. I had a solictor with me as well who said i did ok. As i said im prepared for anything they give, im not strong enough to fight against it. All im scared about is going to jail. I dont want that to happen and have been reading that if u owe over a certain amount they could jail u. As i said i dont want to go to prison. im so scared. If it goes to court will they take in to account my 2 children and i suffer depression? thank u xx
  6. thank u...im just so scared i havae been reading stories that if you owe more than a certain amount then u could be jailed. I started claiming in 2008 and they r taking it back from then so working it out i owe well over £15000 (for something i dont even think ive done wrong) but im scared they could jail me, because ive been reading up and heard u can get jailed. ive got to young children and i suffer from depression. i dont think i could cope...so scared! xx
  7. Hi all, i recently had a iuc for my income support as they thought i was living with my bf- which i am not. They said that a they would get back to me with a decision in 3 months time. I have a 3 year old son and am currently 35 weeks pregnant. i also have serve depression. Even thou i have not comminted a crime- what ever they decied to do i will accept as i feel i dont want to fight with the dwp. My only concern is that i will face a prison sentence. Is this possibal? i couldnt bare to go to jail. What are the chances i will get jailed? im so so so scared about this, i dont mind paying a fine but prison? im really scared... does anyone know if this is likely to happen? thanks for ur help! xx
  8. The whloe thing has just freaked me out a lot. I think thats why im so nervous. I hope im not importnat enough to go into the newspaper... i would really hate that A few people have said they normaly watch u before a IUC but then some have said they can do it after...so im just really confused.
  9. Thank you for ur reply! Helped me feel very much at ease. Some people have said to me that covert surveillance would normaly be done before an ICU in which my case it hadnt, but others have said to me that they some times do it after? I havnt heard of this but still am very nervous. Not that im doing anything wrong, just the whloe thing has freaked me out a lot, if that makes sense? I hope it doesnt end up in the papers....im so scared!
  10. I recently wrote a post about my situation with a IUC i had. Im just wondering a few things... even thou the DWP think i am living with my partner i am not. Im just wondering if now they will be watching me after this interview? I had my interview on Wednesday and havnt left my house since as i feel so scared in case they are watching me. Also will this be published in a news paper? Im really worried about this happening. Even thou i dont live with my bf, if it gets taken to court or what ever happens, im really worried about it going in the paper?What are the chances this will happen? And also my IUC was for income support, how likly do u think it is i will get called for an IUC for housing benefit now? Im freaking out (bearing in mind i suffer with depression and panic attacks already) this has made me a whole lot worse. Im really scared and nervous
  11. also, im worried that what ever happens this could end up in a paper? I dont want that to happen? what are the chances of that happening? Also thank u for everyone replying...i answered questions as i had nothing to hid and wanted to tell them my side of the story. I guess i felt this was the right thing to do??
  12. He lives with his mum and dad and pays them rent. Also he HAS NOT been providing me any money at all to support my son. My sons dad doesnt pay me money either. My bf provides me no money at all. I pay all my bills and i pay for my food for me and son etc. Yes our relationship is stronger now than has been before BUT saying that he still does not live with me or pay for anything etc.
  13. Hi, I had an interview under caution today about my income support. They thought my bf was living with me. It went on for 2 hours, i had a solictor with me who said that was the longest one she ever done! The 'evidance' they had was... . One bank statment from my bf which was addressed to my house (he has 4 bank accounts the bank account he uses is addressed to his mum and dads house where he lives. The reason his HSBC account is addressed to me is becuase he has a hugh overdraft on that account and doesnt want his parents to see he is in debt) .They had a bank statement of mine from an old account that i no longer use. It had a DD set up for £15 a month into my bf account (In 2009 i was paying my BF £15 a month as he had a phone contract as my credit is bad and i was paying him for my phone) . They questioned me about my ex giving me money for 8 months. When we split up he gave me £150 a month for my son for 8 months. They said i didnt delcare it. But i did call up and say and they told me that it wasnt a large amount and didnt effect my Income support. .Also they had NHS records of my bf. He changed his doctors to mine just coz he didnt get on with his doctors and mine are good. Didnt think this would be a really big deal...stupid i know. Anyway. I explained all the evidance they had. It was small stuff but quite simple. As i said his bank account he activly uses is addressed to his mums house. All other bills also go to his mums house aswell. Which is were he will live. He does stay 3 nights a week....i admit there has been times he has stayed longer than three nights. I suffer from mental health issues and my bf is down as my carer on my DLA. As i said there have been times he stays more than 3 nights as i have needed support as i have felt quite low and wanted to end things. I have also been going thru a year long court battel with my ex husband about my son. He took my son away from me and it was a hard time and my bf supported me. The court case is now over and my son spends half the week with me and half the week with his dad. As you can imagen its been very stressful and horribal time in which i havent been well and needed support. I told them all this today at the interview under caution. My bf pays no bill, rent etc on my house. I pay for everything. I gave them and showed them all my bills in my name. I also showed them all his bills in his name like car insurance etc. They questioned me a lot about him caring for me AS PART OF MY DLA and also about my pregnancy. I said that our realtionship became more serious when i found out i was pregnant and they kept asking what i meant etc. I said that in a way we wouldnt sleep with anyone else. They were making out as if we had been in a serious relationship all along. Before i fell pregnant he was more of a support than a bf. I told them this. I said to them that he has helped a lot with me. He stays a saturday night wednesday night and thursday night. The other nights he will see me but go to his home and sleep. Anyway im just a bit worried what happens from here... i would love to hear other peoples stories of whats happened? Will they be spying on me now...im ill enough as it is and im pregnant and i dont want more stress. Im scared i will be jailed aswell. I didnt think i was doing anything wrong. If i thought i was i would hold my hands up. Also will i get a IUC for housing benefit now? Im just so so scared what will happen and what the turn out will be? Any advice i would really appriacte! sorry its so long
  14. Today 20:02 grrrrrr ... thank u for replying really helped. So bacially i need to make clear that he is my carer and that we are not living together as man and wife...is that what u mean? Also i have a housing support worker who is coming with me. He has done things like this before. Do u think that will be ok? thanks so much for ur help...really helped me xxx
  15. Hi all, Im new to this so please bear with me. I have googled a few posts on here about interview under caution and found them helpful. But im still would like some advice. I recieved a letter from the jobcenter yesterday calling me in for a interview under caution about my income support. They believe that i am living with someone. Ok so im not. Let me explain... i get DLA higher rate for care. My bf is down as my carer. He stays 3 nights a week. There have been times when he has stayed more nights this is because i am pregnant and there have been a few problems. Also i have been going thru a court case with my ex husband about my 2 year old son. He was taken away from me by my ex and it has been going thru court. This made my depression a lot worse and as i said there have been times my bf has stayed over more than 3 nights as i have been really ill and needed him. The times i get ill i wont eat,get dressed or anything. I end up wanting to kill myself (i have taken serious overdoses in the past) and cut myself. Hence why sometimes he does stay over more than 3 nights. I maybe stupid and i shouldnt of let him but i didnt think it was a problem seeing as i was quite unwell. Anyway most nights he stays 3 times a week the other nights he will come over and see me and will go back to his home (he lives with his mum and dad) once i have fallen asleep to make sure i am safe. Most of his post goes to his mum and dads. He pays his parents rent- which they have said they are willing to say thats the truth. He does have a few letters come here. But i didnt think that was a problem seeing as i see him most days and he stays over 3 nights? Anyway his main bank he uses and his car insurence etc is all down at his mums address. He pays nothing towards my rent or house hold bills. I pay for everything myself. Im just a 21 year old mum who is trying to do the best by my son and live. As i said i know ive doe wrong by etting his stay longer than 3 nights and i really havnt meant it on purpose but with my depression it can get to much sometimes. I just need the support. I know im pregnant and we have talked about living together. But we dont want this to happen now. We feel its best to wait a while. Anyway im so worried about this interview. Will they arrest me? This whloe situation has made me really ill again. im just not coping well and feel like ending it all. I really didnt mean any harm. What do u think may happen? And what should i do? I read that i should bring evendiance like my bank statments and proof that he lives with his mum and dad like bills, car insurance etc. Any advice would really really help. Also do u know if they stop ur benfits while this is going on? Im so annoyed. The court case with my son is stoll on going and now this...im just at breaking point! please dont judge me... i really didnt mean any of this to happen thank u xxx
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