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  1. Shall i send copies of these to the courts aswell marked as "COPYS" ?
  2. Thankyou everyone for all your time, I will keep you posted once i have any updates. Thanks
  3. Well i think someone was going to put together a precise CPR Request for me to send as per previous comments?? Thanks
  4. Thanks Guys, Gonna go through all this properly and get the requests sent off, I have booked the day off tomorrow to get this lot sorted.... Thanks
  5. Particulars of claim http://img28.imageshack.us/i/001hlx.jpg/ http://img40.imageshack.us/i/002hzb.jpg/ http://img231.imageshack.us/i/003aho.jpg/
  6. I asked for an extension of the Stay period as per previous advice given on here, I will attach the particulars of the claim in a few tics.... Cheers Guys
  7. Just receieved a letter from the court regarding me asking for an extension it says: Further to your request for a stay you will need to obtain the consent of the claimant and file the court fee of £40.00 or apply to be exempt from the court fee. ??
  8. Im confused as HFO say they own the Debt, I found the car i wanted and arranged the finance through some broker online i think they used Welcome, The car had so many faults and issues the warranty wouldnt pay out so i returned it to a garage in Coventry where the finance company collected the car and as far as im aware terminated the agreement. I remember the guy saying to keep my deposit as he would add it to the loan. I never actually paid anything apart from the monthly payments for about 3 months. I have no paperwork for this. But i cant see how this agreement could be upto the amount it is now.
  9. Yes it was a 3 year finance agreement which at the time i recall it may have been Welcome Finance, i had many problems with the car after a short time of receiving it, It was agreed that it was returned and the agreement was Terminated, I moved from my parents in 2003 when they sold up and moved and i have lived at a few houses since. I believe this maybe something to do with that car. Im still non the wiser as nothing from the info from HFO relates to car finance....
  10. Yes wrote to the court via recorded delivery asking for more time so i could prove this debt was not mine, Spoke to West Midlands Police but have been advised not to report this as a crime yet as i dont have a copy of the Loan Agreement, This Debt may be regarding Car finance i took out around this time but the car was returned to the dealer after many problems. I was advised this agreement would be terminated. So the officer decided that this may not be a crime and has advised against this at the moment.
  11. sorry missed the previous posts, no deed of assignment has been sent, but they have not provided a credit agreement so i dont know what else the judge can do without this. i still dont know what this debt is for with the lack of the agreement
  12. Hi Guys, Any updates on what i need to move forward with this?? Thanks
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