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  1. Thank you everyone for their replies especially pmarmalade. Again I would like to point out here. I am still legally licensed. An enforcement officer from Capita shall only turn up at my doorstep if I wasn't. Any correspondence which was sent to these people was all with the traditional snail mail but hey I got a result. I am a firm believer in the Pen is greater than the Sword. I just hope that I am able to pass this on to all out there by every single mode of communication out there. The TV licensing payment card scheme allows a licence to be paid for half in advance and half in arrears. That is, weekly or fortnightly payments totalling half the fee, are made while there are still six months left to run on a current licence, and the remaining instalments are made in the six months after the licence is issued. Customers can join this scheme when they are unlicensed. They are asked to spread the cost of their first licence over 6 months, or 26 weeks. they are then in a position to pay for future licences over a year, half in advance and half in arrears as described above. This is what I disagree with. The IRONY is that they say, " the amount of money that people pay on a TV licensing instalment scheme is detailed in LAW. We can only offer payment schemes that are IN LINE with the amounts and frequencies as stated in LEGISLATION". What rubbish. I just want to pay my tv licence the way they let you the first time. So I cancel my licence every six months and let it run the course of the 12 month period without asking for money back. Then I ring up on 01772552400 not some non geographical number or 0300 7906030 and get myself a new licence reinstated. Simples. Yours Truly.
  2. Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated firstly I would like to point out I am still legally licensed to receive television broadcasts. No enforcement officer has or ever will turn up at my home because they have no need to as my license is up to date. The way I want it to be. I paid my tv license for 2009 as follows October 2009 £20.40. November 2009 £20.35. December 2009 £20.35. January 2010 £20.35. February 2010 £20.35. March 2010 £20.35 and finally April 2010 £20.35. Totalling (142.50) This final payment covered me til October 2010. However like everyone else they sent me a schedule to pay in the following way 6 months in advance. May 2010 £12.18. June 2010 £12.12. July 2010 £12.12. August 2010 £12.12. September £12.12. October 2010 £12.12. November £12.12. December £12.12. January £12.12. February £12.12. March £12.12. April £12.12. Everyone else pays this off when they get a letter from tv licensing which isn't threatening in any way or form, but when I realised that I had still six months left on my license I simply refused to pay and can also succesfully tell you that I have received a new schedule to pay my TV license in the following way. License for 2010/2011 payments are as follows. 28 November £24.25. 28 December £24.25. 28 January £24.25. 28 February £24.25. 28 March £24.25. 28 April £24.25. Totalling £145.50. I have written proof of this. If there was anyway I could put this on I would show it but unfortunately cannot. I would also like to point out My license expired in October 2010. I started making my first payment on 28 November 2010 so technically was unlicensed but since tv licensing asked for their first payment on November 28. I paid them on November 28th. Any more questions? I am more than happy to oblige. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated firstly I would like to point out I am still legally licensed to receive television broadcasts. No enforcement officer has or ever will turn up at my home because they have no need to as my license is up to date. The way I want it to be. I paid my tv license for 2009 as follows October 2009 £20.40. November 2009 £20.35. December 2009 £20.35. January 2010 £20.35. February 2010 £20.35. March 2010 £20.35 and finally April 2010 £20.35. Totalling (142.50) This final payment covered me til October 2010. However like everyone else they sent me a schedule to pay in the following way 6 months in advance. May 2010 £12.18. June 2010 £12.12. July 2010 £12.12. August 2010 £12.12. September £12.12. October 2010 £12.12. November £12.12. December £12.12. January £12.12. February £12.12. March £12.12. April £12.12. Everyone else pays this off when they get a letter from tv licensing which isn't threatening in any way or form, but when I realised that I had still six months left on my license I simply refused to pay and can also succesfully tell you that I have received a new schedule to pay my TV license in the following way. License for 2010/2011 payments are as follows. 28 November £24.25. 28 December £24.25. 28 January £24.25. 28 February £24.25. 28 March £24.25. 28 April £24.25. Totalling £145.50. I have written proof of this. If there was anyway I could put this on I would show it but unfortunately cannot. I would also like to point out My license expired in October 2010. I started making my first payment on 28 November 2010 so technically was unlicensed but since tv licensing asked for their first payment on November 28. I paid them on November 28th. Any more questions? I am more than happy to oblige. Thanks.
  4. Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated firstly I would like to point out I am still legally licensed to receive television broadcasts. No enforcement officer has or ever will turn up at my home because they have no need to as my license is up to date. The way I want it to be. I paid my tv license for 2009 as follows October 2009 £20.40. November 2009 £20.35. December 2009 £20.35. January 2010 £20.35. February 2010 £20.35. March 2010 £20.35 and finally April 2010 £20.35. Totalling (142.50) This final payment covered me til October 2010. However like everyone else they sent me a schedule to pay in the following way 6 months in advance. May 2010 £12.18. June 2010 £12.12. July 2010 £12.12. August 2010 £12.12. September £12.12. October 2010 £12.12. November £12.12. December £12.12. January £12.12. February £12.12. March £12.12. April £12.12. Everyone else pays this off when they get a letter from tv licensing which isn't threatening in any way or form, but when I realised that I had still six months left on my license I simply refused to pay and can also succesfully tell you that I have received a new schedule to pay my TV license in the following way. License for 2010/2011 payments are as follows. 28 November £24.25. 28 December £24.25. 28 January £24.25. 28 February £24.25. 28 March £24.25. 28 April £24.25. Totalling £145.50. I have written proof of this. If there was anyway I could put this on I would show it but unfortunately cannot. I would also like to point out My license expired in October 2010. I started making my first payment on 28 November 2010 so technically was unlicensed but since tv licensing asked for their first payment on November 28. I paid them on November 28th. Any more questions? I am more than happy to oblige. Thanks.
  5. Firstly I would like to point out I am still legally licensed to receive television broadcasts. No enforcement officer has or ever will turn up at my home because they have no need to as my license is up to date. THE WAY I WANT IT TO BE. I paid my tv license for 2009 as follows October 2009 £20.40. November 2009 £20.35. December 2009 £20.35. January 2010 £20.35. February 2010 £20.35. March 2010 £20.35 and finally April 2010 £20.35. Totalling (142.50) This final payment covered me until October 2010. However like everyone else they sent me a schedule to pay in the following way 6 months in advance. May 2010 £12.18. June 2010 £12.12. July 2010 £12.12. August 2010 £12.12. September £12.12. October 2010 £12.12. November £12.12. December £12.12. January £12.12. February £12.12. March £12.12. April £12.12. Everyone else pays this off when they get a letter from tv licensing which isn't threatening in any way or form, but when I realised that I had still six months left on my license I simply refused to pay and can also succesfully tell YOU that I have received a new schedule to pay my TV license in the following way. License for 2010/2011 payments are as follows. 28 November £24.25. 28 December £24.25. 28 January £24.25. 28 February £24.25. 28 March £24.25. 28 April £24.25. Totalling £145.50. I have written proof of this. If there was anyway I could put this on I would show it but unfortunately cannot. I would also like to point out My license expired in October 2010. I made my first payment on 28 November 2010 so technically was unlicensed but since tv licensing asked for their first payment on November 28. I paid them on November 28th. I don't need to complain to my MP because I don't need to. I AM paying the way I want to. I have used the proper channels to complain and next time if I get the BBC asking payment again six months in advance. I will take it to the next level. Hope that answers every thing.
  6. I have merely pointed out the fact that I believe that taking license payments six months in advance are wrong rules or no rules. Car insurers may pay interest on monthly payments because they have no option. If they could I bet they would pay off the whole years insurance in full. Insurance companies still DON'T start taking payment 6 months in advance like the BBC Corporation. Tell me the name of any other company that does, please. I do not believe the existence of a different system is my right. The existing system simply does not work in this climate. Unless someone can afford to. This website was setup so people like us could voice our opinions and experiences and hopefully raise awareness of what is going on around us. The Government can make cuts. Do we as individuals have no right to control our expenditure within the boundaries of Law.
  7. Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated firstly I would like to point out I am still legally licensed to receive television broadcasts. No enforcement officer has or ever will turn up at my home because they have no need to as my license is up to date. The way I want it to be. I paid my tv license for 2009 as follows October 2009 £20.40. November 2009 £20.35. December 2009 £20.35. January 2010 £20.35. February 2010 £20.35. March 2010 £20.35 and finally April 2010 £20.35. Totalling (142.50) This final payment covered me til October 2010. However like everyone else they sent me a schedule to pay in the following way 6 months in advance. May 2010 £12.18. June 2010 £12.12. July 2010 £12.12. August 2010 £12.12. September £12.12. October 2010 £12.12. November £12.12. December £12.12. January £12.12. February £12.12. March £12.12. April £12.12. Everyone else pays this off when they get a letter from tv licensing which isn't threatening in any way or form, but when I realised that I had still six months left on my license I simply refused to pay and can also succesfully tell you that I have received a new schedule to pay my TV license in the following way. License for 2010/2011 payments are as follows. 28 November £24.25. 28 December £24.25. 28 January £24.25. 28 February £24.25. 28 March £24.25. 28 April £24.25. Totalling £145.50. I have written proof of this. If there was anyway I could put this on I would show it but unfortunately cannot. I would also like to point out My license expired in October 2010. I started making my first payment on 28 November 2010 so technically was unlicensed but since tv licensing asked for their first payment on November 28. I paid them on November 28th. Any more questions? I am more than happy to oblige. Thanks.
  8. hi just came on this site to tell people that i had a tv licence which i used to pay all off. Then came the recession and I had to cut back like everyone else. I asked TV licensing can i pay my license in monthly instalments not by direct debit but by your cash payment plan. basically a card like a credit card which is registered to your address and you can pay off a set amount of money every month. I took this option. Where the first month i would pay something like £24 which would cover me for 2 months the 2nd month another 24 so I would be covered for 4 months until 6 months later I have paid off the whole years license. Sorted bobs not my uncle. Then I thought they will send me license request next year but lo and behold tv licensing send me a letter 6 months in advance and ask me to start paying for next years license SIX months in advance. Now under normal circumstances (no recession) i probably wouldn't have given it a second thought but these are tough times everyone is watching there pennies let alone their pounds. So I harassed TV licensing and said to them that gas electricity & water do not ask for payment six months in advance so why should I pay you. TAKE ME TO COURT. I knew the courts will have throwed it back in their face as no organisation does this. I have succesfully kept my tv license payment card and pay the way I want to pay not letting them dictate how they want payment. i.e. one month pay for two 2nd pay upto 4 and so on until the 6th month I have paid for the whole years license which is the payment I heve adhered to and so should tv licensing rather than ask everyone payment 6 months in advance and make you feel like a criminal. I strongly urge everyone out there to do exactly the same as what I have done and stop this daylight robbery. 30 million households businesses pay for their tv licenses. someone some where is making some serious money by taking money so much in advance. You can only win by giving this organisation a piece of there own medicine.
  9. hi just came on this site to tell people that i had a tv licence which i used to pay all off. Then came the recession and I had to cut back like everyone else. I asked TV licensing can i pay my license in monthly instalments not by direct debit but by your cash payment plan. basically a card like a credit card which is registered to your address and you can pay off a set amount of money every month. I took this option. Where the first month i would pay something like £24 which would cover me for 2 months the 2nd month another 24 so I would be covered for 4 months until 6 months later I have paid off the whole years license. Sorted bobs not my uncle. Then I thought they will send me license request next year but lo and behold tv licensing send me a letter 6 months in advance and ask me to start paying for next years license SIX months in advance. Now under normal circumstances (no recession) i probably wouldn't have given it a second thought but these are tough times everyone is watching there pennies let alone their pounds. So I harassed TV licensing and said to them that gas electricity & water do not ask for payment six months in advance so why should I pay you. TAKE ME TO COURT. I knew the courts will have throwed it back in their face as no organisation does this. I have succesfully kept my tv license payment card and pay the way I want to pay not letting them dictate how they want payment. i.e. one month pay for two 2nd pay upto 4 and so on until the 6th month I have paid for the whole years license which is the payment I heve adhered to and so should tv licensing rather than ask everyone payment 6 months in advance and make you feel like a criminal. I strongly urge everyone out there to do exactly the same as what I have done and stop this daylight robbery. 30 million households businesses pay for their tv licenses. someone some where is making some serious money by taking money so much in advance. You can only win by giving this organisation a piece of there own medicine.
  10. hi just came on this site to tell people that i had a tv licence which i used to pay all off. Then came the recession and I had to cut back like everyone else. I asked TV licensing can i pay my license in monthly instalments not by direct debit but by your cash payment plan. basically a card like a credit card which is registered to your address and you can pay off a set amount of money every month. I took this option. Where the first month i would pay something like £24 which would cover me for 2 months the 2nd month another 24 so I would be covered for 4 months until 6 months later I have paid off the whole years license. Sorted bobs not my uncle. Then I thought they will send me license request next year but lo and behold tv licensing send me a letter 6 months in advance and ask me to start paying for next years license SIX months in advance. Now under normal circumstances (no recession) i probably wouldn't have given it a second thought but these are tough times everyone is watching there pennies let alone their pounds. So I harassed TV licensing and said to them that gas electricity & water do not ask for payment six months in advance so why should I pay you. TAKE ME TO COURT. I knew the courts will have throwed it back in their face as no organisation does this. I have succesfully kept my tv license payment card and pay the way I want to pay not letting them dictate how they want payment. i.e. one month pay for two 2nd pay upto 4 and so on until the 6th month I have paid for the whole years license which is the payment I heve adhered to and so should tv licensing rather than ask everyone payment 6 months in advance and make you feel like a criminal. I strongly urge everyone out there to do exactly the same as what I have done and stop this daylight robbery. 30 million households businesses pay for their tv licenses. someone some where is making some serious money by taking money so much in advance. You can only win by giving this organisation a piece of there own medicine.
  11. i agree you have to pay for some things in advance. car insurance to keep you road legal and car insurance monthly/yearly to also keep you road legal. But not many people I bet pay there car insurance six months ahead before its due do they? NOT fair and NOT normal. Gas, Electricity & Water we might as well pay them off for the whole year. Council Tax might as well pay that off 6 months in advance to keep us legally council taxed. We don't because its just too much money. Well your tv license is still a considerable sum of money. I choose to pay the way I did the first time pay one month for two then pay again in the 2nd month for 4 until 6 months later you have paid for the whole year sounds like a fair deal to me. Does everyone agree? Thats the payment system I believe TV licensing should adhere to.
  12. hi just came on this site to tell people that i had a tv licence which i used to pay all off. Then came the recession and I had to cut back like everyone else. I asked TV licensing can i pay my license in monthly instalments not by direct debit but by your cash payment plan. basically a card like a credit card which is registered to your address and you can pay off a set amount of money every month. I took this option. Where the first month i would pay something like £24 which would cover me for 2 months the 2nd month another 24 so I would be covered for 4 months until 6 months later I have paid off the whole years license. Sorted bobs not my uncle. Then I thought they will send me license request next year but lo and behold tv licensing send me a letter 6 months in advance and ask me to start paying for next years license SIX months in advance. Now under normal circumstances (no recession) i probably wouldn't have given it a second thought but these are tough times everyone is watching there pennies let alone their pounds. So I harassed TV licensing and said to them that gas electricity & water do not ask for payment six months in advance so why should I pay you. TAKE ME TO COURT. I knew the courts will have throwed it back in their face as no organisation does this. I have succesfully kept my tv license payment card and pay the way I want to pay not letting them dictate how they want payment. i.e. one month pay for two 2nd pay upto 4 and so on until the 6th month I have paid for the whole years license which is the payment I heve adhered to and so should tv licensing rather than ask everyone payment 6 months in advance and make you feel like a criminal. I strongly urge everyone out there to do exactly the same as what I have done and stop this daylight robbery. 30 million households businesses pay for their tv licenses. someone some where is making some serious money by taking money so much in advance. You can only win by giving this organisation a piece of there own medicine.
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