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  1. Hi, Im new to the forum and have picked up quite a bit of advice concerning defaults but im still a little unclear on a few things. Id really appreciate some advice in relation to my own case Ill try to keep it short - basically,l i got into a bit of financial difficulty over a year ago and in order to stop any defaults/late payments affecting my credit history, I consulted a company called gregory pennington. Then it all went to pot - i wished i never used them although they did help me get back on track. Ive since stopped using them and manage my own payments now, but when i first started with them, it took around 6 months for them to set up an agrrement with the lenders (lloyds tsb and capital one). This resulted in me ending up with 3 shiny defaults on my credit file. Im slowly trying to repair the damage, but from what ive seen and read, it look slike i have to wait the whole 6 years - HOWEVER - I want to check a few things, if I may: I recieved default notices, and they have given me some time to pay - however one company didnt default me, the other did - when do defaults get applied to your credit file? Is it a certain period of time AFTER the default notice or at the time the notice is issued to you? The Default Notice i recieved was served under section 87 (1) of the CCA. If your paying via an IVA company, are companies still able to issue you with a default? I thought a default warning was to force you to settle the debt or make a suitable arrangement? Id really appreciate your advice on this - do let me know if i need to supply more info...! thanks..
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