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  1. THank you for your great advice regarding my sony e reader which won't. You advised writing to the retailer, which I did. He has replied saying that Sony says tha tthe reader is @physically damaged@ and so, the retailer will do nothing. He says that means Customer Damage. HE says that SOny is a huge firm adn they are never wrong ! I have been dismissed! IS there anything I can do, I have never been able to use this item apart form booting it up adn downloanding one item. I have not damaged it, but I am unable to prove thatI suppose, but i Have paid out money adn never received any service from the item. What might my next step be if any? regards and thanks Siunmc
  2. HI this is a follow up. Apparently Sony have said that the reader does not work due to Physical Damage. The Retailer therefore has decided that I have damaged this item. I have not been able to use the thing, but he says they are never wrong, they are a big company!!! So, anything I can do now? as I think they will just tell me to go away! Best regards Siunmc
  3. me again, busy day!! Sony just tell me that it is physical damage, however, I cannot prove that I did not damage it I presume. The Visa company (lloyds) tell me that Visa is debit so no protection there but At least I tried... so the legal argument I guess would be about the cause of damage, because of the time lapse. which is not their fault..The engineer is going to send me a photo ..but I can see quite easily that the screen is not right it looks funny...i just cannot prove that I have not done this Iguess..? Thank you so much for assisting me with this conundrum
  4. just checking,,,,,the template appears to be directed to the credit card company not a retailer, but I should send it to the retailer?? I really just want the thing replaced...I will get over all the other costs.CAn I just ask for replacement in this template?? Any point in going to see the retailer? cheers thanks .
  5. Thank you SO much what a fantastic site! I DID pay more that 100 st for the reader, it was nearly 225 st, so does that allow me to involve VISA?? I will certainly use this letter , great to have your back up SMILEY HAPPY THANK YOU
  6. wonder if you can help...I bought a sony e reader through Amazon from Edgeware HiFI when we were setting off to sail to Aus. We wanted to purchase the reader cause we would not have space on board for the hundreds of books my son wanted to take with him. Reader seemed like a wonderful idea. We ordered in Feb2010, it arrived in March 2010. We had already left so a friend of ours brought the reader out to us when they flew out in May. We tried to use the reader as the demo , it seemed fine. A few days later we were in a wifi spot and tried to download a book or two. Half way through the screen went blotchy. Then the on/ off did not work. It was useless We were in Curacao by then. I rang Edgeware HiFI, tried to explain why it had not been used until then, they advised I should send the reader to Sony UK. I sent by courier (60usd). Sony received and a few weeks later when we contacted thelm, they told us we should pay 37.50sterling for a report. We paid by card and they informed us that the screen was not covered by warranty, it would cost 230 stg to repair. Thats what we paid for it. I was not expecting to pay anything as we had had no use from it. It was hard for us to follow up consistently as we were traveling in remote areas (pacific ocean) with little communications and time changes, so in the end sony sent the thing back to a friend and it has been sitting there ever since,useless. They told us that the screen was broken (we told them that!) and that the screen was not covered by warranty etc etc. Now, your site has inspired me to research if I can take this further,, as we have paid a lot of money for something we have had no use for albeit it is completely our responsibility that we did not use it straight away and maybe should have followed up differently but we had little access to internet etc. It may be that we have missed the boat (:, and if so, I will have to accept that. I paid on Amazon with VISA debit, I am not sure if that gives me protection as a consumer, I tried the website but cannot see the information. Is this a possible avenue at this stage? or ever?. Should I can write to the retailer using a template to ask for refund? or am I out of time?. I have evidence of raising the matter with them on the Amazon site, but it was outside 90 days for Amazon's straightforward guarantee. If Lloyds Visa provide protection then they will be better than I at following up , but what would you recommend, if anything at this stage do I have any rights at this stage? great site , I wish I had found it months ago.,,,, thank you Siunmc
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