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  1. Help!!! I am trying to research on behalf of my husband how long we have to disclose that he has had car insurance void by inception. Long story short we were broken into and the car was stolen in 2007 (a very traumatic time, especially when the car was never found again) When the policy was automatically renewed we had not updated that he had since received three more points, thus voiding his insurance. We accept that it was his fault and have ended up paying £10000 out as we were not insured. What I find utterley appalling is that now since the theft his car insurance has more than trebled due to the 'void' of the insurance. Surely this can not be for the remainder of his life? How long do we have to declare??? To add insult to injury whilst researching I found out that if you are caught drink driving it would only affect your premium for 5 years!! I am thinking that I should turn to crime. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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