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  1. Hi all, TalkTalk phone lines went down to-day. This resulted in me not being able to communicate with anybody including TalkTalk. Nor be able to acquire any phone numbers to contact TalkTalk via the web. to use on my mobile. Had to get my son to report the problem, only to find he was charged premium phone rates to report a TalkTalk problem to TalkTalk. They say on the web site if you are contacting them from the phone number which is on the account, it's free. I would think that most times you would need to contact them, is precisely when the account phone line is down. Another example of ripoff Britain.
  2. Hi, Not wishing to clog this thread up, with an increasing amount of info, but Perplexity gives me the impression he's carrying a torch for this outfit. I have found out, that the vendor does not carry any stock whatsoever, contrary to what the adverts imply. So does not know if the goods for which he has taken money for actually exist. Also if they had been more forthcoming in their EMail reply's, instead of just issuing computer generated ones to every query I made, I may have held of on the claim. I even gave them my phone No so we could expedite the problem. There was an added complication in that one of the items,sourced by the vendor, from another supplier. Had to be returned as that would not do the task I wanted. They refunded the money with no quibbles, but via, Pixmania. To summarize, this meant, not one item of the original order eventually ended up in my hands. Paypal have refunded me, the full initial payment minus the previous refund. Hope this clears up any ambiguity. Regards All
  3. Hi all, just a note to say, Paypal have just informed me that a full refund has been placed into my account. Do not know if the vendor replied to any questions from Paypal. But in case anyone be interested the outfit was Pixmania. So thanks for all the advice, mainly not to, cancel the claim. Regards
  4. Hi, patience has run out - just escalated to a claim. Will let you know how Paypal re-acts or not as the case maybe.
  5. Thanks, I will give them until Tuesday AM and if no response will attempt to escalate. Always assuming there is a suitable predefined category to select in the menu options.
  6. Hi all, Many thanks for the reply's to date. But let me put something right, this purchase was not done using EBay, but as the result of a Google search. Also this company is not some small retailer, but a subsidiary of a large group. As the seller has refused to respond via the resolution, how long should I wait before attempting to escalate this into a dispute?
  7. Hi, It appears that this thread is now in 2 forums, can the Admin please move this post to Gen Con Issues , same thread name. I had agreed to a refund as you mention - but it did not materialize. The seller offered Paypal as a means of payment and to date other than this transaction I have had no problems with using them. Also if the seller had been more willing to explain the reasons for delayed payment other than bland statements such as we have forwarded your enquiry to the department concerned. I would not have had the feeling my enquiry was being kicked into the long grass. This transaction was not done using EBay.
  8. Hi, Thanks for the reply. As mentioned earlier, the vendor refuses to acknowledge any message that I put in the resolution center message box. So there is no discussion being carried out between us via Paypal. On the basis of the last reply, might go some way to explain why the vendor wants me to withdraw the dispute. But I am now between a rock and a hard place. Regards JohnT
  9. Hi all, First post, so please forgive any errors I make. The issue is, that a French based vendor advertised a monitor for sale. I ordered 3 of these monitors along with other equipment. The other items were sourced from another retailer. When the other items were delivered , I contacted the vendor to ask for an progress report on the monitors.They responded that they did not have the monitor's nor could they fulfil the order as the item was no longer in production and did I want a refund. I requested the refund, but, and here is where we arrive at the crux of the matter. They refunded me the cost of 1 of the monitors £104.7 and conveniently forgot about the other 2 I had paid for. After numerous EMails, they finally admitted and said they would refund me a further £192:0, subject to validation by their Accounts department. As the first refund appeared in my PP Account within 12hrs,I fully expected the remaining amount to take a similar time to appear. This did not happen,and after further numerous EMails, the replys to which were "We have forwarded your complaint to the relevant dept" and nothing else happening. I finally lost patience and registered a complaint with PayPal. On doing this I received, an EMail from the vendor saying "Unless I withdrew my complaint on PayPal, they would not proceed with resolving the issue". This has now been ongoing since 22Oct10 and to date has not been finalized. Another thing is they will not answer any replies I post on the resolution message box. Also how can anyone talk to a human being at Paypal w'out it being a premium rate phone line. I tried one only to find I was talking to a Computer who's prefixed categories didn't fit my problem. In conclusion can you please advise as to which way this can be progressed. I have been in touch with "Trading Standards" and they advise that under no circumstances should I stop the complaints procedure.
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