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  1. I am already registered, the uni did the process early so that things would run smoother on the first day. But I don't actually attend for another week (not 2 weeks!!). What if I phone on Friday to speak to my advisor asking to end my claim on the date when I start?
  2. Course start is only 2 weeks away now. Still not sure. The main reason is, it starts on a Monday, so I wouldn't be able to tell the JCP on the start date. Really worried about getting done for fraud. I might not get to tell them for a few days.
  3. Fear of getting santioned/accused of fraud. Forgive my paranoia (one of my mental health problems), I just don't trust them. I don't want them saying "when you found out you got in, it was a change to circumstances, SANCTIONED!". The rational part of me is saying leave it, tell them the day before I am due to start. The other part of me is pondering all the ways they could twist this. Was pleased to see you guys saying leave it. Thanks, I think I'll do that, you have eased my mind.
  4. Always appeal! I am in a simmilar situation with mental health problems. Had 3 appeals, won them all. Last time I got in touch with CAB to help me, I would urge everyone in this position to do the same.
  5. Hi all. To give some brief background, I have been on ESA for coming close to 3 years now with mental health problems. In the past year there had been some improvements, not enough to let me back into work, but enough to take steps. I started volunteering (around 6 weeks ago), only a few hours a week, but its helping. I had hoped to get to a stage where I could return to university to undertake a professional qualification. Shock horror, I got accepted, the course starts in August. The plan had been to apply, then keep going with the volunteering to build up my confidence and when the time for the course started, I should be in a position where I could cope. The job centre know of this, however I don't know how to approach the subject of coming off ESA. To clarify, they don't yet know I got accepted as the offer is a conditional, I want to wait till it is unconditional (you can't get in with a conditional). When would be the right time to come off ESA? I don't want to be stuck with nothing from now up till the course starts (still around 3 months away). I'm still doing the volunteering to help prepare myself. It isn't as if my mental health problems are gone, it is just a case of getting them to a managable level, which I am still doing. Do I wait to near the course start date? That is what I had hoped to do, but am worried that I could get sanctioned. However I am scared to tell them this now incase they try and stop the ESA now. I really don't know how to handle this one.
  6. It may be akward with the neighbour doctor but remember - they have seen it all and a good doctor does not judge. Is there a CAB near you? If so I urge you to pay them a visit, having someone on your side to help you argue when you have memory problems is a good thing.
  7. Yea, I have had 3 appeals, won the first two without representation (one went to tribunal, one was successful at first hurdle) and my third one I had representation. I felt more confident having someone else there, it also sped up the process of finding out, at a tribunal, my understanding is, they won't tell you in person, so if you go alone, you will have to wait, but if you have someone with you (I had a CAB worker) they tell them who then tell you, allowing you to find out on the day.
  8. Woot!!! I won. Was in for about 30 mins, then around 5 mins waiting. Didnt get the 15 points needed, but I successfully argued that I met the criteria for exceptional circumstances, so relieved. Thanks for the messages guys
  9. Well, today has finally came, my tribunal. Not my first one, had one two years ago. And won. Not so confident this time (ESA btw). From, what I gather it depends on what kind of people are present in the tribunal. Last time I was lucky to have two who were sympathetic, I hope this is the case today. Tis a fight to control my nerves. Suppose I was just posting this looking for some support. I wonder how long they will leave me hanging, last time a decision was made on the day, but I wasn't notified till the next week.
  10. That is dreadful. First step, contact a womens refuge, you should not and you do not have to put up with that. Secondly, I am not 100% if you can but you need to appeal the decision. There clearly are extraordinary circumstances at play here. I am sure womens aid will be able to help advise you on how to approach this, you must have some recourse. Good luck.
  11. I am sure they will not be allowed to remove the right to appeal, that has to be illegal. I find it funny, the DWP is getting their asses kicked in the appeals, so it seems that to address this they would like to remove the right to appeal, instead of solving the problem by having proper medical assessments carried out. Also remodelling the benefit to support people would be nice. I am in the annoying situation where I am trying to get back on my feet, looking to do permitted work to test the water, but this is taken as evidence of having nothing wrong with me. The benefit should try to help get people off, not by kicking them off when they arent ready, but via supporting them off it. Its madness.
  12. Thats the whole appeal papers thing through now, a copy of the whole lot. Loaded with innacuracies, I also get the feeling that they didn't read a great deal of the points I raised, as certain issues had no mention made of them whatsoever by the DM. I shall visit the citizens advice.
  13. Sorry to double post, but to save me trawling through oodles of pages, could someone clarify something for me please? Whilst on JSA, must you be seeking 16+ hours per week? I.e., if you cannot do 16 hours per week, are you eligible for it?
  14. Well just got the letter in today. Its going to tribunal. Really not looking forward to this. I think I shall need to go to CAB or something for this one. I would like an unbiased opinion on my circumstance. Stuck in a damned catch 22, I want to beat this thing and work, but if I try to get better this is taken as evidence that nothing is wrong....
  15. In the same position, damned mental health problems basically killed the person I used to be. Gradually coming to realise I will never be that person again, will have to learn to be a "new" me. That might sound a bit silly, but trust me, it is serious. I used to have such a good life, used to be so happy. Did well at uni, had an active social life, things were looking really good, great prospects. Clinical depression/anxiety stole that from me. I am slowly starting to build the "new" me, but it is surprisingly difficult when you cannot do things most people do with ease. As much as it shames me to admit it, I need help, and I have been getting help. I am getting there, but it is slow. All I want is some support in the mean time. I can get my prospects back, and whilst I can never be that person who was so happy, I can be a different person but still happy, not only that but an active member of society and a solid contributer. But what most people would see is "scrounger" and "waster".
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