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  1. Hi all, just an update. Did exactly as you said Geoff and went on the attack against the 3 w#nkers and after 2 hours of grilling got let off with no case to answer. Thanks for all your help and advice the 2007 file was deemed to have been dealt with previously as I hoped - I am one relieved cookie. Back to work on Monday head held high.
  2. I have been suspended for using the company IT equipment to store inappropriate material. The file was copied over from the My Documents folder from my laptop in 2007 along with a host of other files, then a few months later I was investigated and asked to delete the files on the laptop, I genuinely did not realize this file existed as I only access this folder probably once or twice a year and I have never accessed this particular file, just the folder it was in.
  3. My relationship with my seniors was very good up until 3 months ago. I was inline for a promotion but had an accident with one of the 3 who now have it in for me. This accident was investigated and I received a verbal warning, since then the company has decided to make 1 of them redundant and reduce the working hours of the other 3, which has happened, they all blame me for this even though I had no part in the business case. Immediately after the business case was presented to them they put in a grievance against me for bullying and allegedly releasing information regarding them to a colleague, this was all thrown out as no case to answer. Now I have to suffer this latest allegation, it is tearing me and my family apart. Regarding the folder itself it is just named as List 2. I asked for IT to investigate when and if it had been opened and they looked and said all they could tell was that it was created in Nov 2007 and had not been updated since. I think this backs up my case that I never knew it was there.
  4. The list is of pornographic films not sites. I have been with the company for 8 years and never been in any sort of trouble before. I have asked that the file be examined and it has never been accessed while it is has been in this folder. I think I have a case for unfair dismissal if it goes that way - does anyone agree ?
  5. Hi all, first post here,be gentle with me. I have been suspended from work for over a week now due to allegedly storing inappropriate material on company IT equipment. It has also been alleged that I sell DVDs and CDs at work. The facts of the matter are this I have 3 people who work under me and they all have made statements against me stating I do what is alleged. I do admit I used to sell them over 3-4 years ago but was investigated at the time and told not to do so again - this was in the days before we had a HR department. Since I was told to stop I have never taken in one since. The three workers under me have been waging a vendetta against me for over 3 months now due to other problems, they have recently launched a grievance procedure against me which was thrown out as no casse to answer and now I believe they have stumbled upon a folder containing a pornography list on my drop folder on the servers at work, they have put 2+2 together and found a reason to get me. An anonymous letter was received by my Manager who immediately suspended me pending investigation, I was investigated on Friday but have since received there statements and all condemn me. Could anyone give me advice on what to do please, I feel suicidal and can't believe that I can be tried for something I have already been investigated for before.
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