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  1. Making a complaint gets you nowhere. I have already posted elswhere on this site about my problem but it got swallowed by some idiot making stupid comments. My problem started Saturday when I was asked by a debt colecting agency to settle a debt for unpaid fees against my account. I was not given any details, just told that I would not be able to log on to ebay as I was suspended. I settled and I am NOT asking for comments about how stupid I was. I am an OAP. I have no debt and ebay told me I hadnt been suspended. The important issue is that it took 3 days to find that my name and address had been used to set up an account called dreamscancometruepat. Ebay says I have 2 accounts. I only have one. Ebay says the email address they used starts off with my name but is slightly different. Now - I went to the police and reported identity theft, got a log number off them and tried to give it to ebay. I have spoken to 5 different people who said to use 4 different different live chat desks. I tried the security one twice it took over an hour each time and they said they couldnt help. I have made phone calls every day to ebay and been left holding on forever. Today the guy said just hold on while I check something, he left me hanging on for 25 mins and then put the phone down on me. He had told me that he must give me the Law dept phone number and I must ring the police and ask them to ring in. I refused as the police had already said that the policy is ebay rings the police once they have the log number. Surely ebay could solve this by checking the IP of the email that was used. or they could look at some of the goods that the user purchased. They could then see the delivery address. Afterall, I received no goods to my address or money to my paypal. The user only accepted paypal so it could also be traced that way. I have even told ebay where they can find a user who is listing every item that dreamscancometruepat were selling. The 2 users lists are identical even the wording they use and again only accepting paypal. The user still selling, is in an area only 10 miles from me. Ebay doesnt want to know. I thought you couldnt set up 2 accounts from the same name and address. If thats the case, how did they manage it. Why is it so difficult for ebay to sort out. I dont know what to do next. I would like to see it in the newspapers. I'm worn out with it all now. I have bought and sold on ebay for 7 years with 100% feedback, never been suspended or had debts.
  2. Well, I thought I might find people on here with a similar problem to mine or people that could offer help. I didn't realise that there would be nutcases that read and post rubbish just for the sake of it. Why don't they just find themselves a good book to read instead. And for the record - since you asked - I was posting at 2am cos I was having yet another sleepless night. What was your excuse?
  3. Think I'm repeating myself now but that's what we OAP's do !! Anyway the phone no, is 01772832182
  4. When I phoned ebay to ask why they were saying I owed them money, I asked if they employ iQor and they said yes. I said do you tell them that it's ok to ring people demanding money, and I was told yes they have to if there is a debt to collect. I said don't you write first and ask for it to be settled and he said yes.
  5. I called ebay. I'm new to this site and can't tell who's talking to who!! But to clear up the phone number for iQor it's 01772832182 I think she gave it me by mistake because when I rang her back I could her the background conversation saying she hadn't given that number and that I was a lying bitch.
  6. Wish you luck with that. One thing I am puzzled with, though, why didn't you check - as most people would I think being phoned up early one Saturday morning by a total stranger saying you owed money - and not check your online Ebay account? I said I would not give my card details to her but would log on to ebay and sort it and she said you cant do that because you have been suspended. I stupidly believed her.
  7. So the latest on this distressing situation: This evening I got a phone call from ebay who are now saying that I have two accounts with them and that the £200 was owed on my second account. I told him that I have only one account and have had no debt. He gave me the 2nd username which I have never heard of. He said my email address and home address where the same for this 2nd account. I asked is it acceptable to employ a debt collecting agent to ring up and ask for money and he said yes. I said don't you write first and say you are owed money. He said yes we write. So why haven't I had letters or emails supporting this claim. How do they have my details against somebody elses username. If this person has a paypal account does that have my name and address? I think there is something fraudulent going on here and ebay are now covering up something.
  8. Thanks Andy. Yes I have done all of what you suggest. My bank has reimbursed my account even though I used a debit card, and their fraud dept is chasing iqor. The police are not interested, said it's a civil matter for me to take to a solicitor.
  9. Saturday23rd Oct 2010 approx. 8.47am (1471= 08451550456) 01772 832 182 I received a phone call while I was still in bed from a woman asked for me by name saying she “had been asked by ebay to contact her” She introduced herself to me by saying that she worked for IQOR Debt Collecting Agency. She said she had been asked by ebay to recover a debt owed to them by me. I said what debt, I don’t have any debt. She said you have been sent invoices many times by ebay and have not settled the required amount and I have been asked to get this settled immediately as it is already incurring admin. fees. I repeated that I don’t have any debt and I have not been contacted by ebay how much are you talking about. She stated a figure of around £170 or £179. but as I was in bed I couldn’t write this down. She then added more fees of £24 to go on top. She asked for my address, post code, house number, d.o.b. and username on ebay. and I gave them to her I said so how long are you saying this debt has been building up. She said well on 21st July 2010 you were told by ebay that you owed £71.94. and again in April and it’s been building up since then. It needs to be settled now. I said I have no idea what you are talking about and I don’t know who you are. I said I know nothing about this and anyway, if there was a problem I would have heard from Paypal as ebay fees are paid by standing order from them. She said not necessarily, this could have been caused by any little thing somewhere such as a credit card not being updated. I said everything is in order and I do not owe ebay any money. But I will log on and sort it out. She said you won’t be able to log on because you have been suspended. I said that I was unwilling to give her my card details so how could this be resolved if I couldn’t log on to ebay. She said “the only other way is for you to see a solicitor and take it to court, but by then more fees will have mounted up. If you settle it now I can get you up and running on ebay straight away”. I paid by the only card I have which is a debit card. £200.12. She gave me a ref. no. and an authorisation no. I asked for her name and contact details which she gave me. The number being: 01772 832 182 I immediately logged on to ebay and checked my account. I had not been in debt and my invoices for the past months are as follows: Oct £0.00 July no invoice issued May £0.00 April £1.60 I rang my bank and they put a stop on my account but the money had already gone through. I rang the person back at IQOR and told her that my ebay account had been in order and she should never have asked for money from me. She said there was nothing she could do about it. It would be down to ebay to sort any problems out. I then rang ebay and they confirmed that they employ IQOR to collect debts. I went through all the details of the call from IQOR. She (ebay) said that my account was in order and I had never had any debt with them and I had not been suspended. She also said that they had not sent instructions to IQOR to collect a debt from me and that they had not passed my details to them. I said how did they know my name and number. She said it sounds fraudulent and that she would speak to her manager. She did this and then put me through to him. I went through it all again and he agreed that I have not owed them money. I asked if it was their practice to sell debts on and he said no they didn’t do that. He said my details had never been passed to IQOR and he thought this could be fraudulent and he would be taking the case further and would ring me on Mon 24th or Tue 25th Oct. I rang IQOR and was told that the lady was on the phone and would ring me back. After 30mins I rang again. I was told she was on the phone and would ring me back. I said no it’s ok, she had already promised to do that and hadn’t so I would just leave a message. I said to tell her that I was ringing because I had spoken to ebay and they had confirmed that I had had no debt and was never suspended and so I would now be making a formal complaint to the police and trading standards, and that I was ringing to ask if there was any further comment that she wanted to make before I did this. The lady asked me to hold and she would speak to the original lady. I could hear the conversation that they then had and heard the lady refer to me as a “lying bitch”. When the lady came back to the phone I told her what I had overheard and that I didn’t need her to call me back as I would leave it with the police to handle. She said oh she will call you back, “She wasn’t talking about you she was talking about someone else”. Approx: 15mins later I had a call from a man at IQOR. He said he was from ebay. He said he was ringing to help and hoped he could sort out the confusion. I recognised the noise in the background and asked if he was from IQOR and he said yes. I said there is no confusion. I never owed ebay any money, they never asked you to collect money from me and I have never been suspended from ebay. He asked the security questions again and asked if I had another email address I said no. Are you saying that the email address is wrong then. He said it starts the same but ends differently. I said so why did the lady continue to demand payment. Why didn’t she go back to check with ebay. He said that they just act upon the instructions given to them by ebay. He said I need you to give me the name of the man at ebay who has now agreed that ebay have made a mistake. I said no one at ebay has said they have made a mistake. Ebay says that you have never been given any information about me and you have never been told to recover a debt from me. He said what is your username on ebay. I said don’t you already know that if you say I owed money. He said no, they don’t give us that information. I told him my username. He said when you set it all up years ago did you use another email address and another username. I said no. There was one used by my husband but nothing to do with me. He asked what the username was and I told him. He said no, it’s not that. I suggested another email address that I haven’t used for years and he said no, it’s not that. He said well they are different. I think I can see what’s happened, someone has stolen your identity. I said so if the details are different to what I gave you in the first place, why did you take my money. He said that they just act upon the instructions given to them by ebay. He asked if my family or friends used my account and I said no. He said to get this money back in your account I need you to report the case to the police and get a case number. Then ring me with the information and I can put the money back into your bank account immediately. I need the man’s name that you spoke to at ebay, I will contact him. You needn’t speak to him again, I would like you and I to sort this out amongst ourselves. He said if you could do this and ring back by 1pm and I will put the money straight into your account. (it was now 12.15pm) I asked him for his name and contact number. He gave this to me but said to ring on Monday with the case number. He said I could then speak to Tracey Curzon who is IQOR’s Manager for Ebay. I have just been to report this to the police and was told that as yet there has been no crime and that it is a mistake that needs to be sorted between ebay and IQOR. I was told that if I do not get my money back then I could take it to court and would need to prove that it wasn't my debt in the first place. But no case - no case number to give to IQOR. I wonder if IQOR know that this is the response to expect from the police. The info on here is very useful but hindsight is a wonderful thing. I had written down everything that had been said and had a full report for the police which was to no avail. IQOR can carry on with this sort of thing and it's not considered a crime. I would just add - I'm a pensioner!!
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