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  1. just one quick thing that my other half is worrying about, can they take anything that is NOT on the list? they can't take most of the stuff they've written down so they'll obviously do their best to take something else instead.
  2. thank you all for your help, i'm feeling a lot better about facing the ******* now! i will also be getting on to the council asap to talk to them about this whole mess and see what happens from there and keep you posted. THANKS ALL x
  3. are you 100% of what they can seize hallowitch? if so then the 3 pice suite is in fact the only seating we have apart from the computer chairs. the TV is one of the new flatscreen lcd. As regards my non payment back in january, as i said, i spoke to BandS when i realised i'd missed it and as far as i was concerned they accepted the late payment and nothing more was said about it so i carried on with my payments which i have not missed since and not knowing that there was a default on my account since April this year
  4. i have a copy of notification of seizure of goods, dated 9/7/09 with the amount of £539.87 which includes attendance to levy fee, walking possession fee etc. i have been paying this off and the current amount is £374 but obviously this bailiff has whacked on his fee for turning up yesterday so it is now £600 List of goods - 3 pce suite, pc, monitor and keyboard, 2 x pc desk, 2 x pc chair, TV, wood sideboard, 1 wardobe, 1 chest of drawers, fridgefreezer, washing machine and microwave
  5. a bailiff came into the property back in july 2009 and took a list of my possessions, i know they can take these goods, its just the fact that as far as i'm concernerd, i've done nothing wrong to warrant these guys banging on my door to collect them in the first place! i was totally unaware that my account was in default from April 2010 and if i hadn't called them 3 days ago regards changing my payment date to a week earlier i'd have known nothing about it!!
  6. I really hope someone can help me as i'm at my wits end!! I have a council tax debt with Bristow and Sutor to whom i have been paying £10 a fortnight since 9/7/09. In January of this year i missed a payment for reasons i don't recall and NOT on purpose. I spoke to someone on the phone to apologise and made the payment plus the next payment and that is where it was left. Unbeknown to myself, they had changed my agreement with them to a temporary one until April during which time i was supposed to have sent them a letter proving that i was claiming benefits, I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THIS!! On to present time, i have been making my fortnightly payments without fail not knowing that since April my account was in default. I telephoned Bristow and Sutor 3 days ago just to let them know that my benefit payments had changed and i would be paying them a week early and carrying on with the fornightly payments at which point i was told about my account and that i had to send a proof of benefit. As my benefit is claimed by my partner for the whole family, ALL our correspondence from them is in his name only so we promptly called the benefit office to get a letter stating that I was also claiming. The day after speaking to Bristow Sutor we get a Notice of Intention to force entry from the bailiff. I got straight on to their office and asked why they had been sent when we were still waiting for the benefit letter to arrive at which point i was then told that they needed the letter IMMEDIATELY after i had spoken on the phone to them the day before!! i was not told it had to be there straight away and thought they'd wait at least a day or 2 for us to get the letter and fax it to them!!! I have been informed that the bailiff will not be called off and he has the right to break into my home, even when i am not in, to take my property as he has walking possesion. I've tried negotiating with the bailiff on the phone but he refuses to even listen. I am currently sitting in a locked up home twitching every time a car pulls up outside because i know he could be here tonight or any time he feels like showing up, i'm scared to leave the house Please...is there ANYTHING i can do to stop them from entering my home??
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