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Everything posted by HeatA

  1. Quick Quid agreed a payment plan in the end. Thankfully by the sounds of it, they sound a really nasty bunch. But reading more about them, it's all scare tactics and and as long as your are offering to pay something back, they have to agree. If it went to court they would probably get less from you! Keep all correspondence and stand your ground. And report them, they cant be allowed to bully people, none of chose to be the position we are in. Good luck!
  2. Hi Both Thanks for your emails. Unfortunately, the bank were unable to do anything they said as I have given over my card details (all be it to another company so called 'sister company') that it now becomes a retail dispute and there is nothing they could do. I did speak to cash genie and they said it clearly states in their terms and conditions etc. They did give me a refund of £105 and said it was a goodwill gesture and should I try to claim any money back at a further date this would be revoked. To be honest, I know there is legally nothing I can do and I could kill myself for being so stupid, but when you are desperate you turn to desperate measures and these companies and their underhand methods should be stopped. I know I borrowed the money and I have every intention of paying it back, but they have taken over £700 for a £250 loan. I'm reading more and more horror stories surely something can be done? I have resigned myself to the fact I have to pay it, and not claim anything from them without fear of them taking more money! My immediate problem is that as from next week I dont have any money left on my oyster card to get to work. I have bills that have bounced with more coming out next week. by the time I get paid on the 31st I dread to think what my bank charges alone are going to be. And next month I dont have enough money to pay 2 months on all my bills. I have been living off nothing to get myself out of debt and these vultures have put me right back. I just dont understand how they can operate how they do and get away with it!
  3. Hi I just wondered if you ever had any joy, I have just had the same thing happen to me? And know I dont even have enough money to get my travelcard to get into work. Any help advice greatly received! I feel physically sick. I have a whole month to get through and no money at all. They have just taken £600 I only had 2 instalments left to pay (including this months) on a £250 loan.
  4. Ok thanks, I just dont want them calling my work number.
  5. Hi Sillygirl1 Did you send them a formal letter to stop them contacting you at work. How did you go about it?
  6. ric_pendle What was the outcome of your dealing with Mackensie Hall? I am currently in default with QQ and despite offering a 6 month plan of paying back £130 a month they have refused. I'm waiting for it to be passed over and would love to know what happened with you. I had (stupidly) got into a downward spiral of various payday loans. All of which have been perfectly nice and have agreed repayment plans all except QQ. I have no intention of not paying as I borrowed the money but just got out of my depth and want to be able to pay it back with a reasonable but afforrdable offer. Any advice greatly received!!
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