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Everything posted by Nufclesley

  1. Hi,i was wondering if anyone could help me, my daughter was caught shoplifting in Wilkonsons, she was taken by police and referred to Sunderland Youth offending team, as to a charge by the police at the time. The idea was to see why she did it and if there was to be any other actioned required. i thought that this was a gd idea so we went to the triage meeting, she was asked why she did it and asked if she would write a letter of apology she did that and was told that was it no further action was to be taken. this morning though she herself recieved a letter from RLP, on behalf of wilkonsons saying that they wanted £137.50 off her but then said if she paid within 21 days they would accept £110.00, could anybody give any advice on what to do and if this company is legite as she is only 16. thanks
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