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Everything posted by TSxxx

  1. Make a formal complaint to the insurer (I would ring them and ask for it to be logged as a formal complaint - most would probably suggest to write - either way is valid) - they then have 8 weeks to respond. If you are unhappy with their response, you can escalate to the FOS free of charge. If the insurance company have caused the mistake, expect a token gesture (£100 or so) plus any costs you can evidence. If you can show that the effect of this has caused financial problems for you then they should be compensating you further if you can provide evidence - but you will not be compensated for things which could' have happened, only things which have actually happened.
  2. I've received a letter from Lowell/Barclaycard this morning saying I owe them almost £900 I did have contact with barclaycard in 2005 when I took out a card. I didn't use it much, and in 2007 I gave it to my girlfriend (at the time) to use in emergencies as she was made redundant. I split up with her and moved out in September 2008 - at that point, the last payment had been made in June 2008 and I had cleared the balance. For some reason, the card didn't show up on my credit report. I sent them a letter shortly before moving out asking them to close the account (although it was 2 years ago and I no longer have a copy of the letter or proof of postage). I didn't pass on the address when I moved. I should have got the card back, but didn't bother thinking the account was closed. I've recently been trying to improve my credit report since it's fairly sparse (just a current account) - I've been approved for a store card, a contract phone and thought I'd try to get a credit card as well. I applied through Barclaycard on thursday. They rejected me and I thought that was that. The letter I received this morning says the debt is now owned by Lowell, and they transferred it about 3 months ago. It's dated the 13th, so they've obviously matched the details from my application. The only way the balance could have been built up is if the card was used after I moved out. On that basis, it can only be my ex-girlfriend who's run up the debt, either intentionally, or intending to pay me back. Either way, I haven't got her contact details any more, and since I stupidly took the card out, it's me who is legally responsible. What's the best course of action from here? I can't afford to pay it back in one go. I've not rung or contacted them yet. Thanks in advance!
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