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  1. Thanks for the responses. To clarify my property is completely self contained and i pay all my own bills including council tax. Also i do not know of any of my neighbors this happened to just me. When the account was moved the name on the account changed to the name of the housing association. This made it difficult because Total would not speak to me claiming data protection. The meter being labeled as multi-occupancy is apparently something to do with the property being used as temporary accommodation many years ago. As far as i am concerened this should be simply a case of an erroneous transfer. My landlord had no right to move my account and Total have no right to bill me. Anyway moving forward i got a second bill today for 22/02/12 to 31/03/12. I expect more in the coming days. I am not going to do anything until the weekend so i can work out exactly what i am going to say to Total (i have a bad habit of writing things in anger which can prove quite unproductive). Should i send a letter via the post recorded delivery or would an email exchange at this stage be sufficient. I am basically thinking of saying that i dispute the account in its entirety as my account was taken away from me without my knowledge or consent. I have no contract with them verbal or otherwise They have not sent me a bill or contacted me in the 2 odd years they have had the account. Also (although i will work out the precise figures later) i would not consent to paying the rates they are charging as they appear very high (a quick comparison with 2 other suppliers using their standard rates). Is this the right approach. Also, Total are not signed up to the guidelines for domestic back billing as they don't supply domestic customers. This worries me.
  2. The only thing i can find from Total with regards back billing only refers to non domestic and micro business customers (won't let me post link)
  3. I have a rather unusual case that i am hoping someone can help me with. In 2011 i was being supplied electricity by British Gas when one day i received a letter saying sorry you are leaving. This was news to me so i called up to find out what was going on. We discovered that my account had been switched to Total gas & electricity. i am not a business but a domestic customer. It turns out that my electricity meter was logged as something called a multi-occupancy meter (still not sure what this is) and even though i had a bill in my name, when my housing association changed their commercial electricity supply my meter was switched alongside the rest. Whats more the bill was no longer in my name. i immediately contacted both the supplier and the housing association to sort this out which both said they would (done on the phone so no actual record). forward 3 months i still get no bill i again contact my housing association who said they would sort it out. After about a year of this i give up (how long is reasonable to chase this up). i am well aware that i am using electricity and as such should be liable for the bills. Today i receive a bill for the period 12/06/11 to 21/02/12 and i assume that more bills will follow which will total an awful lot of money. Total are a supplier of electricity to businesses i am not sure if they are signed up to Code of Practice for Accurate Bills (back billing) so where would this leave me. Also i have never agreed a contract with Total and as my supplier was British Gas and i did not simply inherit an electricity supply will Total be able to claim that i inherited the supply. at the time British Gas did put in an erroneous transfer request but it was deemed that it was a legitimate transfer due to the meter being multi-occupancy. the earliest email evidence i have is dated 13/12/11 from my housing association stating that they contacted Total asking them to put the account back in my name (on reflection i do not like the wording of that email) Where do i stand on this matter. What can i do going forward. would like some advice before contacting Total. Don't want to risk being cut off with 2 children and 1 due. As i final bit of info i noted on the bill that Total refer to me as a domestic customer (does this matter) also the amount per unit looks very high and they have a standing charge. Sorry if this is a bit long winded.
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