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  1. *shrug* obviously not was i was hoping for, you've without doubt earned my respect through brute honesty, cheers for a good answer, easy to understand 'n' all.
  2. I Have, it was definitely fun but not something i'm going to do again (it's was fun looking back on it, not at the time) and thank god it wasn't on a road.
  3. Ha nah i'm fairly sure this has become a chat about bikes until someone has something else to say about the topic. *sniggers* I have a friend who had an rs125 his, him and his dad thought they'd spend the day, just for a laugh, knowing it would go wrong, putting a 400cc engine in it, unfortunately the bolt attaching the exhaust had only been hand tightened, when started, the entire exhaust pipe shot of and buried it's in the garage door, i do sincerely wish i had been there for this!
  4. I could have done though i restricted the throttle when i got it (it could probably have managed 35 ish but i thought it was best to be safe) yeah you'll probably find most of the hairdryers are all completely illegal in some way.
  5. Though i was certain all aspects of my bike where completely legal (i'd be surprised if my parents allowed me on the road if not) i have checked with my father and the internet and my girlfriends step dad (a hairy bloke with a TL1000 and many years in riding) and it is completely fine. I do however appreciate the concern.
  6. legally,yes, though like the public i now associate the word moped with annoying yobs with loud scooters which if you ask me sound worse than my travel hairdryer (though i do believe it to sound better than the average yob scooter since i realized it was on the wrong voltage setting for the U.K. and that that was why there was a funny smell coming from it every time i turned it on) however a good scooter like the one i should imagine you to ride, i have no problem with what so ever, i personally wouldn't have one but this is sheerly for my own personal practicality, and i just prefer my legs how they are on my bike, so i mean no offense to you by this. not picking at all just making conversation now to be honest, would i be right to say mopeds originally where essentially bicycles with engines on the back wheel (i'd love one for the novelty) i live right near Shuttleworth collection (for those that know it) i quite often enjoy the wonders of some of the machine held within the hanger walls there. I'm not all that clued up on bikes in general and their history, but i'd like to think i know my own bike pretty damn well. My bike is a 70 restricted to 50/49.9, so i often think of it as a bike, (it's a Susuki ts) so it's an off road bike hence why i also term it as a bike.
  7. Apologies for this I most certainly wasn't using mine while writing my original message
  8. Hi guys, Somewhere earlier in the thread, though by no means expected anyone to read through the entire thing, i mentioned i had already had my summons, though you will probably be mildly pleased to know that a thoroughly sacrificed any pride i may have previously held (not a lot any way) and wrote a very apologetic letter pretty much the same as the template written above, (thank you for that by the way, though i have already sent he letter it reassured me i was on the right lines) though i have had the summons which may suggest my otherwise i think i could have come off much worse if i hadn't wrote the letter in way that i did. thanks for decent and pretty helpful replies, me not being a lawyer (funny that, being 16 and all) i didn't really know where to start.
  9. I have reacted badly to some of the answers on here for this i apologize, i would normally treat anyone older, or younger for that matter. though i may not seem it i'm far from the typical yob you may see in a street.
  10. Thank you for a slightly more respectful answer with some relation to my question to clear things up, To start a fresh, new views: I'm 16 In the eyes of the law, i am in the wrong. somewhat in the wrong anyway though i would like to make the point that i was not simply bumping the train as it is often known, i had my own reason, i have explained this reason to First capital connect yet did not expect a reprieve i simply wanted to make clear i was not skipping the train fare. I am not racially prejudiced at all there has obviously been some misunderstanding where this is concerned though i would be quite interested to find out some of the views on political correctness held by the others on this forum just to share opinions. I would like to offer my apologies to anyone and everyone that i have offended on this forum, if i'm honest i think I've probably misinterpreted many of the replies i have received and the same to those reading my replies, i may not have made my self clear at all in the past and I'm sure this thread could be made into about six different events from the amount of self criticism, when i posted it i was in a bit of a flap and probably thought it said something completely different I do not expect anyone to accept this apology. Now, about this fine, i know i could be up to £1000 any ideas where between there an 0 it could be?
  11. "and feel free to 'preach a little more' " Got to here then deemed you to be someone else who can't give a straight answer, posted this and walked off.
  12. "You may find it amusing but I do not think you or your Solicitor would if he/she was foolish enough to raise that as a defence." apologies, my comments about amusement was in regard to the comment made about the BNP. before any other stabs are made at me for this i have no particular views on the BNP and if i did i wouldn't fling them around forums in which i would possible cause and unwanted argument.
  13. yet again, another useless answer, and no i do not mean a moped, i mean a motor bike there is a difference and i am well aware of it, i am in ownership of a motorbike, it just happens to have a small engine (technically it's a slightly larger engine however it is restricted and fully road legal, and completely legal for me to ride, just to clear that one up) when i asked about fee's i meant the fine i am likely to be given, not the train fair i don't appreciate being patronized, i;m well aware of how much the train costs. i'm not banking on technicalities causing the case to fall through that would be lovely however if you do happen to know how much the fine is going to be (roughly) i'd appreciate it, if not, please spare yourself the time writing back.
  14. I'm begging to get the vibe that everyone on here is a total... I came on here to find out the extent of my fine. Not be ridiculed as to how valid my "excuse is" so unless anyone has anything useful to say, please, find someone else to preach your crap to. The thread is mainly labeled as it is to attract attention.
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